So let's see, what have we been up to? We left off at Valentine's Day. Hmm, better pull out the trusty calendar.
Sadly I can't make out what my calendar says for Wednesday. That is scary. Bill had a doctors appointment in Dedham, so after dropping off the kids, he headed off to that. He was able to get Yamira and Manny at 11 am on the way home from his appointment. That worked out perfectly. I had an ENT appointment to go over my sinuses. Such fun. My sinuses are fine. They occasionally get infected, but that is all. Nothing out of whack. I then had lunch with my sweet friend Kirsten. So good to sit and chat with her. Love our dates. Then headed home for the afternoon to do a few things before running out to see "The Vow" with Meri. Great to see Meri, but the movie was disappointing to us.
Bill had to get up early for a class, so I took the kids to school. I then did a few errands. I picked up Yamira and Manny at 11:00 am and then headed home. Shayla had an after school program, so I didn't have to pick her up till 4:00 pm. We then came right home and she sat down with Ping to study her Mandarin. I love our visits from Ding as do the kids. I love that her son Matthew gets to play with our kids and that Ding and Ping can share their heritage. Ping adores seeing her. I love that we get to catch up too. Before I knew it, dinner was to be had and then off to bed for the three.
On Friday, Bill had the second part of his special class. I dropped off the kids and did a few things before going back to get Yamira and Manny. I fed them a quick lunch and then we were off to therapy for Yamira. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing things at home. I was going to go to a craft thing that night. I was really looking forward to it, but I was busy trying to get a lot of tax information done as well as a few other pressing things, so I stayed home. Hope to make the next one.
Saturday was a busy day. We had a birthday party at 11:00 am for Cari-Lynn's little Julianna. I took the kids alone as Bill was working a fire drill. Unfortunately, I was so sick that morning. I kept getting waves of nausea and wasn't sure I would ever make it to the party. However, we did and had a fabulous time. We then headed to WPI for the Dumplings. We were there till nearly 4:00 pm. I love going to the Dumplings as do the kids. We had a wonderful time. We did some origami and the kids played. I love watching the students with my children. I love seeing our friends with their beautiful children. We then headed home. The kids were cooked! Bill was on call that evening, so we were home for the night. Just as well as the kids certainly had a full day.
On Sunday, Bill took the kids to Sunday School. They love Sunday School. We then had a birthday party to attend. Unfortunately, the party was cancelled due to sickness. So we spent the day at home. The kids did crafts and watched movies while I puttered around trying to get caught up on stuff around the house. It was a good day, but missed the opportunity of seeing our friends.
Monday was the first day of school vacation. All I can say was this was a really tough week. It really started on Friday of last week. For some reason, my Yamira was really acting up. I am not sure why as she seems to be doing better with transitions. Just one of her "streaks" I guess. So on Monday, we went absolutely nowhere. Not due to anyone's behavior. It's because I had an important appointment with the doctor about my gallbladder. The doctor was very nice. He feels the need to take it out, so off to schedule surgery I went. I then went home for the day. Bill was off from school as it was President's Day, so it was a great day for the appointment as I didn't have to worry about child care.
Tuesday was a super busy day and a great day. The day started off awfully with my computer just dying on me. However, the rest of the day was great. Shayla went with her friends to the Worcester Art Museum to take a class on Egyptian Headdresses and necklaces. Bill and I took Manny and Yamira with their Sunday School class over to Sherry's House. We had a lovely tour of the home. It's beautiful. Sherry's House houses children with cancer and their families. As a family and also through Sunday School, we support Sherry's House through donations and making crafts. I have always wanted to tour the house. Unfortunately, Shayla could not attend. Also the house was full, so we were unable to see the bedrooms. So we will be going back. The house is so warm and inviting. After doing another errand or two we headed home to meet Shayla. After a quick lunch, Miss Shayla was back out again for a friend's birthday at Pump It Up. I took her over and dropped her off while Bill stayed with the kids. I then ran home to relieve Bill as he had to get to school. I was very lucky that I was able to have a friend drop off Shayla after the party. God I hate, hate and hate asking people if they would drive her or take her places. The odd thing is that I have been asked and it's always a pleasure for me to help someone out. However, I have learned with Bill being in school and having the two younger that I have to occasionally ask for help. Shayla had a great time as always. We spent the rest of the day at home.
We were up super early on Wednesday as we had reservations to go to the JFK Library for an African drumming and dancing performance. We left super early as we had to get there for 10:15 am. The program was an hour long. I loved it. The kids liked it as well. Not as much as I did. They seemed bored after a short time. Shayla was so tired from getting up early that she was easily distracted. I am glad we went. We then drove into Chinatown so I could pop into a store to look for something. Didn't find what I was looking for unfortunately. We then headed home as it was nap time. We stayed home for the rest of the day.
On Thursday we were supposed to go to the library in the morning, but the behavior out of the three of them was horrendous. Not only was their behavior bad, but we were running late too and had afternoon plans. It pained me to cancel as I was really looking forward to seeing our friends. I think the only one really hurt by not going was me! In the afternoon, we went to Chuck E. Cheese in Leominster. Only one of the biggest evils of all time. I hate going to Chuck E. Cheese. I just despise the entire trip. The food is horrible. Didn't matter as I only had a salad. However, I just find that it's overpriced and the menu stinks. I also have to walk around with the three as it's hard for them to figure out the games on their own. We met my dear friend Marghrit there with her twin girls. It was so nice to see them and catch up. The kids all had a blast. Marghrit called it a "Vegas casino for kids." So true!!!! We came home, had a little dinner and off to bed the kids went. They were spent.
Friday was an early to rise day. Bill and I had to attend a hearing, so Ayi Meri watched the three kids for us. We are so grateful. Thanks Ayi!!! The hearing went fine. We do not have the decision yet on what we were there for. That will come later on in this week. After picking up the kids, we did a few errands and then headed home for lunch and naps. We had plans, but unfortunately our friends were not feeling well, so we could not see them. Bill was on call that night, so I stayed home instead of going to a Silpada party that I was going to attend. I felt bad cancelling and wanted to go, but if Bill gets an opportunity to work, we try to have him take it.
Saturday was blustery and just miserable out. Regardless, we headed over to Tower Hill Botanical Gardens for their Winter Carnival. We walked around and did a scavenger hunt, did some crafts and the kids had their faces painted. We then did an errand and went home for the day. It was just too cold to be out. We did have a nice time at Tower Hill though.
Sunday was Sunday School and then later in the afternoon we went to our friend Terry and Christine's house for a visit and a fabulous dinner cooked by Christine. It was so nice to see her family and to catch up. It has been way too long. Bill was on call, so we had to be home by 6:00 pm. We gave the kids their baths and tucked them in for the night.
Monday was a busy day. Bill and I dropped the kids off at school and then headed out to do a few errands. Before we knew it, we had to pick up Yamira and Manny. We squeezed in one more errand and then brought them home for lunch and a nap. Bill went off to school. I grabbed Shayla from school and after doing homework, she headed out to a Pump It Up event with the Daisies. My sweet friend Renee picked her up and brought her to Pump It Up for me so that I could stay home with the two little ones. I am so grateful to her for her help. I didn't feel well at all yesterday. I had previously been feeling really great. The last four days I have done fairly well. No incidences of vomiting or anything. Today was horrendous though. Sick over everything I ate and then within minute of Ping coming home, I started throwing up. What a way to see your mother the minute you get home. I feel so awful about the kids knowing that I vomit. It's awful. However, I don't have a choice in the matter. I finally got Shayla into bed after a short book. She was so hyper from all of her fun. I didn't feel good for the rest of the night, so I just did a few things at my desk and watched a little TV. I have to say that I spent the night bitterly angry. I don't know what I have done to myself, but can't stand being this sick. It's so hard to be a person and a mom when you are this sick. I am starving and yet can't eat most of the time. I am just praying this is all gallbladder related. Sadly, I think I look awful. My Lymphedema in my legs has changed dramatically from when I was wearing the birth control patch for a week to enter Estrogen into my system. It hasn't been the same since. It has deformed my legs and it is really upsetting. I have no structure to my body. I can't stand it. I hate looking like I do and feeling like I do. It's just wearing on me. I find myself praying for God to take me or someone take me. I know that sounds so dramatic, but I have never been so sick and for so long!
This morning I woke up and felt awful. Sore throat, bile reflux and nausea. Fun, fun. I dropped the kids off at school as he was at the station. I then went to Walmart. I went in for three items. Two hours later I finally left the place. I started to look at a few things and then got really sick so had to run to the bathroom. I thought for sure I was going to throw up. I didn't. So I went back to what I was doing. It started again. I couldn't get done what I need to get done. I didn't have a cart so I was carrying everything everywhere too. It was awful. I finally left there and headed home for ten lousy minutes before I had to get Yamira and Manny. After I picked them up, we headed to the library for a play date with Miss Ashly, Mrs. Rebecca and Miss Stephanie. We had a great time. I just wish I felt better. We all were hurting units. Rebecca and Ashly got into an accident on Saturday night. They both are in pain. Thank god they are okay though. They will heal. After the library, we came home and had some lunch and then went and got Ping from school. We spent the rest of the afternoon at home. I have been trying to catch up on some stuff. One of them is catching up here on this blog. Bill worked this morning and then went to school, so I haven't seen him since 6:00 am. He must be one tired man. Hopefully he will be home soon. I should go and post some photos. Thinking of getting some hot tea for my throat too.
I know this is such a boring recount of our travels. Just so behind and wanted to at least check in. I keep thinking I am going to check in more frequently and then I let time get away from me. I would add more commentary if I didn't have a million other things to try and accomplish. Sadly, photos take forever to post here. So that takes up a lot of time.
Hope you are well.
Mama Out!!!!!!!