This summer went entirely too fast. Not sure why. It was a good summer. It was a cheap summer. The kids had swimming lessons. Those were $2.00 for three weeks. We got acquainted with the Clinton pool which is free to get into. We loved it. It was clean and the lifeguards are wonderful. We went to splash parks and we went bowling. Almost everything we did was free or really cheap. We were going to go away for a few days, but we were unable to do so. We watched our friend's house on Comet Pond for a week. So that was a lot of fun. The kids swam every single day. All three of them would live in the water if they could!!!! Overall, it was a good summer.
Since being here, Shayla has finished up Girl Scout camp. She went from the 5th till the 9th. She had a ball. She loved every minute of it. She slept over on the 8th. I didn't like that. She was gone for too long if you ask this Mama. She also came home with way too many bug bites. I mean she had over 30 and she reacts fairly poorly to bites. So she was a mess. Plus it poured during her overnight stay. That really stunk. Everything was soaked when she got home. Regardless, she had a ball.
The Friday we were to pick her up, I was super excited. We all jumped in the car to go and get her for 5;00 pm even though she wasn't due to get in till 5:30 pm. We backed the truck out of the garage and heard a huge crunch. I was so angry. I was so upset. I just cried. The garage door did not go all the way up for some reason. There was just enough hanging down to do damage to the truck. That was a huge expense. Anyway, I went to get Shayla and then we all went to the church since it was the last night of Vacation Bible School. So they had a BBQ and a little show. It was adorable! I was exhausted as I had an appointment with my primary that day which was an absolute waste of my time. So upsetting. She really doesn't understand some things and I find it very frustrating. Anyway, the whole day was difficult to say the least.
On Saturday we went to Chandlers in Deerfield for afternoon tea. It was awful. I have never said that a tea was awful, but this one was. The food was just terrible. The scone and dessert were great, but the sandwiches were really awful! However, it was nice to be out.
On Sunday I took Shayla to meet Christine and Mason because she was sleeping over at their house. They had a fantastic time. We had Manny and Yamira watched by our favorite sitter and Bill and I went to see Wicked in Boston. It was great. I loved it, but kept falling asleep. Don't ask me why as I have no idea!!!!!
On Monday we went to the Museum of Science with the kids and met Ping, Christine and Mason there. We walked around the museum for a few hours before heading home as Bill had class. The kids had a ball. I am not a museum fan. There is a lot to see there though. We will go back as we have a membership. I am so not a big museum gal. Never have been.
On Tuesday, the travelling vet came and gave Sophie a check up. That was stressful. Stressful for me and for her. I can't stand it as they have to literally dive after her to get her into a box and out to the van to give her shots and a check up. I am at least grateful she is well.
The next day we met Stephani and Lexi in Connecticut at the beach. We had a wonderful time. We were there the entire day. The only downside to the day is that I got burned to a crisp. That was fairly dumb of me!!!!! It was nice to spend time with our friends and the kids had a ball in the ocean.
On Thursday we had plans, but due to my sunburn, I had to cancel. I felt awful, but I could barely walk. I burned the top of my foot so bad, I was in agony. Talk about stupid!!!! So we spent the day at home. Just as well. I was exhausted.
On Friday we stayed home as well as I still was having a hard time walking. That and we had a busy weekend that I had to prep for! So I prepped for that and cleaned around the house.
On Saturday, we got up bright and early and headed to New Hampshire for our friend's wedding. We didn't know if we would make it in time due to traffic, but we did. We saw the ceremony and then walked to the reception which was outside at a Christian camp. Never been to a wedding like this, but everyone had a nice time and the weather was beautiful. We headed home around 6:00 pm as the next day was going to be equally busy!!!!.
On Sunday, we got up early and headed off to our 50th Family Reunion. It was a busy day. The kids had a ball. They played all sorts of games, searched for money in the wood chip pile, had their faces painted and participated in the pie eating contest! It was a lot of fun.
On Monday, we got up and went to Comet Pond to check on my friend's home. We watered her flowers and then hung out all day on the dock. The kids had a ball swimming all day. We left late in the afternoon and went home for dinner.
Then on Tuesday we did the same thing except my friend Kirsten and her daughter's joined us there. We had a lot of fun. Bill worked. So it was just us moms with the kids. We had lunch and they swam all day long. It was beautiful out. Just a nice and relaxing day.
On Wednesday, Meri and her boys and Katie and her kids came over. Katie also brought our friend Socheat's kids with her so Socheat could get some rest as she is a nurse. The kids all played beautifully together. We had lunch and chatted. The kids swam and fought with each other over who owned what, but overall they did well. Socheat and Katie's hubby joined us for dinner before we all headed out for the night.
Thursday I did a lot of errands and then we headed up to Comet Pond. I hadn't done anything around the house for the week, so I needed to get some things done. The kids swam for a few hours in the afternoon and then we headed home for dinner.
On Friday, Meri and Katie joined us again for the afternoon. It was a great way to end a beautiful week.
On Saturday we went to Yorks Animal Kingdom with Katie and her family and Socheat and her family for Ping's birthday. That is what Ping wanted to do for her special day. We had a great time. It was really hot though. The zoo was small. I wish it was bigger. The kids really loved the rides. Then we had dinner on the water. We took a walk down to the beach where everyone cut up their feet and started bleeding from the rocks and then we went to Nubble Lighthouse. It as a great day!!!!
On Sunday we had Erica's birthday party at the Drawbridge Puppet Theater. The kids had a ball. It was nice to have something to do, but nothing too much given how much walking we did the day before. We were all really tired!
Monday was therapy for the two youngest. We pretty much stayed home and caught up on some stuff that needed to be done.
Tuesday we had hair cuts. Can not go back to school without our hair freshly cut. We stayed home the rest of the day. I wanted to pick out the perfect outfits for the kids and iron them. I wanted them to get a nice shower in and get to bed at a reasonable time.
Wednesday brought the first day of school. They all had a great day and were happy to be back. I dropped them off and then went back into school a few hours later to help out in the lunch room. They have volunteers for the first two weeks to get the new kids adjusted to how the cafeteria runs. That and we help them open up their yogurts and such. It went quickly. I was happy to help. I picked them up at 3:00 pm and home we came to discuss our new day. Grateful there was no homework. I despise homework! Isn't that awful of me?
On Thursday the kids went to school and Bill took the Buick to be looked at. We have had an odd noise in the back and a burning smell. I was concerned it was a brake issue. Sure enough it was. $500 later, our brakes are done. UGH. Meanwhile, I substituted at the Middle/High School for the first time ever. It went well. A little boring since it is only the second day of school. However, it felt nice to be out in the working world.
On Friday I had an appointment with Dr. Halperin at Brighams. I like her, but I don't find that she is really trying to get to the bottom of some of my issues. I find her very results driven. She wants to make a plan, but does not really care if the plan is wrong? Don't get me wrong, I like her. However, I don't find that she really listens to what I am saying. I think she like other doctors gloss over what some people say. That is fine if that is the kind of doctor you want to be, but I need someone who is going to listen. I don't find that I run the same as most people. I am special. News to you, no? Ha! She doesn't know enough about some stuff. However, she doesn't know who to refer me to either. So I am sort of in this terrible holding pattern that I don't think is good for me. Can't really explain it more than that in a blog post! The rest of the day was spent at home.
The kids are enjoying school. I am not enjoying them being in school though. Yamira is really struggling with impulse control as is Manny. I know it is hard. They are tired. It takes time. However, it is very difficult to deal with every single day.
On Saturday we stayed home because Bill and Ping were going with Joe and Lucas to the Seekonk Speedway. They had a nice time. I had dinner with Meri, Ryan and Yamira and Manny. We had a nice visit.
Sunday was a cookout at Katie's. It rained, so it was mostly inside. We had a great time and met some new people which is always nice. The kids had a blast. They went outside for a short time, but it was really humid out.
On Monday we spent the day with Anita here at the house. It was so nice to see her as it has been forever. We last saw her at Easter. She spent the day here petting Neesha who absolutely adores her and has missed her. We fed her lunch and dinner. She gave me a beautiful little canvas for hanging that says "I Love You More." So sweet. I love it.
Tuesday brought us back to school for the kids. I did errands and a few things around the house. Before I knew it, I was back to picking up the kids at 3:00 pm. Then it was homework, dinner and soccer for Shayla. She practices on Tuesday nights. Her games are on Saturdays and Sundays.
Wednesday was busy. Bill worked at the station all day. I took the kids to school and then went to see the kid's therapist to discuss a few things. Then it was back to pick up the kids at 3:00 pm; We did homework, had dinner and then went to soccer practice. Yamira and Manny have practices on Wednesday nights now. It is voluntary. This was the first night. It went okay. A little crazy with both the U6 and U7 teams there.
Thursday Bill worked at the station. I took the kids to school and then went back a few hours to volunteer in the cafeteria again for a little over two hours. At 3:00 pm I picked them up and we did homework and they relaxed. It was nice to not have to run out that night. Monday nights are Girl Scout nights, Tuesday is soccer for Ping and Wednesday nights is soccer for Yamira and Manny. Then Friday nights is Girl Scouts for Yamira! It never ends, does it?
On Friday, Bill dropped the kids off at school and then he and I drove up to Louden New Hampshire to the Louden Speedway. For Christmas I got Bill a 3 lap drive in a Ferrari. So we went to use it. Bill had a little class and then drove around. He had a great time. We then headed home to get the kids. Didn't even have enough time to stop for lunch. That night we went to the school for soccer pictures. What a flipping nightmare that was. We were there for over two hours with the three kids. They were mental! I was so angry. It was so hot and disorganized. To make things worse, I wasn't ordering any of the photos as it is too expensive to buy for three.
On Saturday we had a crazy day. It was a good day, but it was crazy. Bill had to work from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. Ping went at 8:30 am with my friend Joanna and her daughter Peyton to Peyton's brother's soccer game in Sterling and then the girls played. I could not go because I had to be at the football field in town from 9:00 am till 12:00 pm for Manny and Yamira to practice and play. Thank god for great weather. I then ran to Payless Shoes and Walmart while Joanna ran Ping and Peyton to get a sandwich. We all met back at the house. So thankful to have Joanna take Ping. I feel awful missing her first game, but I had no choice.
She had a great day though.
On Sunday, Ping had a game at 4:00 pm and we were all able to attend that. It was beautiful out. They won. I was so pleased. They are a great set of girls!!!!! Then it was dinner and showers for the kids and then bed.
On Monday, I dropped the kids off at school. Bill worked at the station all day. I did errands till 2:00 pm and then I went back to get the kids at school. We did homework, dinner and then went to Girl Scouts for Ping. We all went. Bill was not home, so I had to take Manny and Yamira. We all stayed as it was the first night back and there were things to go over. Made for a long day and night.
On Tuesday, Bill had to work. I took the kids to school and then went home and worked on my walk in closet. I got a lot done, but I didn't finish it. Then I went to get the kids at school. They did homework, had dinner and off to soccer we went for Ping. They were wild and not listening. Not fun for me.
On Wednesday Bill worked as well. I got the kids up and got them all spruced up for pictures. I dropped them off and then did a few things around the house before going to the kid's therapist to discuss some things. A short time after I was back at school picking them all up. I fed them dinner after homework, but we didn't go to soccer. It was really humid and gross out. However, that isn't why we didn't go. We didn't because we had a 6:30 am appointment at the house with our financial adviser. There is not much to advise us on as we are poorer than poor.
Thursday was a busy day. Bill was actually home for a change and so he brought the kids to school. I got up and showered after getting a call from Diamond Buick to tell me that they had to show us some dents on the car. So Bill and I headed down to see what they were talking about. I had noticed these dents before and asked Bill about them as I thought they were really odd. Bill didn't know what they were from. So we get there and this is exactly what they want to show us. These odd dents. Before I know it, we are being whisked away to get a rental. The insurance company is called and we are told that the car has to be fixed. It was so strange. Bill took the rental and went grocery shopping. I went to get the kids from school and then headed home to get homework done. I didn't get to Yamira's homework because we had two therapy appointments at 4:00 pm. So I took Manny and Yamira to those and then we went home. Yamira finished up her homework. They had dinner and headed off to la la land.
Today was a more productive day.I dropped the kids off at school and came straight home to work on cleaning up some of the stuff I had started in my closet. It is not done, but I did get what I pulled out put away. Then I went to lunch with my friend Maura in Milford. After a quick trip to Target, I went to get the kids from school. It is Friday, so they didn't have homework. Yay. I fed them dinner and then took Yamira to Girl Scouts while Bill stayed home with Manny and Ping. Now I am here catching up and it is nearly 10:30 pm. I have yet to have dinner. It is a tad late now, but I am hungry. I need to find a little something.
I hope the beginning of your school year has gone smoothly. I don't know about you, but I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I need my energy back!!!!
Mama Out!!!!!!
Tea for five |
Museum of Science with Mason |
Yamira at the beach |
Beka and Sean's wedding |
Pie eating contest winner |
Shayla with her ducky friends |
Manny at Comet Pond |
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Yamira jumping in Comet Pond |
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Shayla and Lucas |
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Yamira and Manny |
Comet Pond friends |
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Bill and I at dinner in Maine |
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Butterfly at Yorks Animal Kingdom |
Maine with friends |
First day of school |
School time |
Labor Day cookout |
Ayi Anita |
Lap time |
Soccer time |
Shayla's team |
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