The first awesome shirt is from my Auntie Christina and her handsome son Tristan. Does she know what I like or what? See mom told her that she didn't care if she had a girl, a boy or an alien. She just wanted to be a mom. Well as you have heard, I am NO ALIEN. However, I am honored to wear the shirt cause says I am cute. Can't argue with that!!!
Mom is a huge lover of heart stuff. She fell in love with this outfit and just had to have it. I am too young to fight about it, so I am just going to appease her and wear it if it fits me. Mom also has already put most of my life up till now in a photo album. She says it's for me to keep in my room as a reminder of where I have been loved up till now. The little purple album is to bring to China with her and dad. They want to show me pictures of the house and the four cats that are going to be my instant fur family! Um, yay. I hope we like each other. I hear they rule the roost. Best put my best foot forward! That brings me to my next outfit. Mom saw that it had cats on it. She figures if I wear it, I will warm up to my new family members. At the very least, I may make a good first impression with the girls. Wish me luck. The sweatshirt looks a little warm for me. I hope I don't sweat to death in it. I am not sure I am digging all this pink. My mom has to probably get it out of her system. Maybe then I will say something! "HEY MOM, BLUE IS A COLOR." Well I gotta run. I hope to meet everyone soon! Love, Miss Shaylista with the fancy hair!
Sniff, sniff! I can't wait to meet you, little Shayla!
And I do believe this is the only time I have ever been regarded positively in the fashion world. ;)
YOU ARE A RIOT and Christina is too! i remember the alian baby comment. that is just a hoot! can't wait to see ppix of her in all her new fancy outfits. love the animal print one. she is gonna be one stylin' girl!
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