Monday the 20th wasn't a bad day. Bill worked and I took the two youngest to get their teeth cleaned. They were cool about it. All of my kids like the dentist and getting hair cuts. They are all fairly easy that way. They don't even mind going to the doctor unless there are shots to be had. Bad shots! That night after pulling out their sleeping gear and their clothes for the next day, I headed off to dinner with some great ladies. Never had dinner out with them, but had a wonderful time. Looking forward to doing more things with them in the future.
On Tuesday, I was up and ready to walk out the door with Yamira for her OT therapy appointment when the station called Bill asking him to come in. So Bill headed off to work for the day and I got the other two kids ready in a jiff and we all headed out the door. Yamira did fairly well at therapy. She learned a brushing technique and really liked it. However, the waiting room was a nightmare. It was me, Ping and Manny with another mom and a neighbor boy who she was watching. The kids played nicely together. I had asked for something for Manny to play with from the therapist as I had no time to grab anything. So she gave us a huge tub of toys. Well Manny thought throwing the blocks was the way to go. I don't think so! So I had to give him a time out. When Manny went back to playing, he hit the lip of the bucket and the rest of the bucket came up and hit him so hard in the lip. Well he immediately started bleeding badly. So I whipped him into the bathroom to wash him up while I left Ping and my pocketbook out in the waiting room. Not smart. I was only in the bathroom for a few minutes when the woman who was waiting came rushing in with Ping and said " I have another one for you." Ping's nose was bleeding like crazy. What the heck. So there I have two bloody children. The mom was a huge help and I could not have been more grateful to her. The rest of the time went fine. The mom and I chatted a bit. She was really nice. I wish I could have gotten to know her better.
After running a few errands, we headed home for lunch and then we headed to an "End of the school year pool party." Ping was not happy that her brother and sister had to come, but Bill was called in, what choice did I have? The weather was gorgeous and all three chickens behaved beautifully. When Bill got off of work, he met me there to help me get the kids dressed and ready to head home. However, before leaving, I was shocked to hear that my husband who asks nothing, asked the pool party throwing mom if I could drive her golf cart. I have always wanted to drive a golf cart. I know it's silly, but I have. So while the kids were watched by friends, Bill and I took a little spin in the golf cart. I had a ball. I was so pleased that I got to do that and that the kids were so well behaved and that I got to enjoy the nice weather and to escape the house. We then headed home for dinner and put the kids to bed. Bill was on call till 10:00 pm.
On Wednesday, Shayla and I had the dentist at 11:45 am. Bill had a hair appointment at 11:30 am. So he took the younger two and got his hair cut and Shayla and I headed out for a teeth cleaning. I then ran home, dropped off Ping and grabbed Sasha for an appointment at the vet. In the meantime, Bill was supposed to meet the cable person because I wasn't able to get online. Needless to say, the cable person said it was a modem issue. It wasn't and I knew it wasn't. The problem was not fixed, but eventually it worked it's own issues out. Thank goodness. Sasha's appointment went well. She has had some back end issues.She needed to be flushed out. She was. She seems to be better, but the problem is really continuing. I don't think we can help that. Oh well. That night, Bill was on call. So it was a full day around here.
Thursday wasn't a bad day that I can remember. If I remember correctly, we were home for most of the day. Sasha had to go back to the vets for blood work in the evening and we did a ton of things around the house that day, but we didn't have appointment after appointment and that is a blessing!
On Friday, I took Yamira to therapy while the other two stayed home with Daddy. We then did a few errands. Once home, we did a ton of things around the house. We put a lot of stuff away. We still have a lot more to do, but it was so nice to get some stuff done! Bill was on again this night, so we were home.
Saturday was a crazy day. We had granite installed in the laundry room at 9:00 am. At 1:00 pm, we had Brooke's birthday party which we were late for. I don't even remember why except that Manny and Yamira needed to nap before we went because they were so poorly behave. Anyway, the kids had a blast. They swam and went in the bouncy house. I loved catching up with my good friend Bobby-Jo. We were thinking of heading to my cousin's graduation party, but about an hour before we left, some people that Bobby-Jo knows showed up with a kitten. Now Bill and I are the biggest cat lovers around, so of course we were drawn to her. These two young teens got this kitty from one of their grandmother's house. They have a ton of cats running around. It seems like a good dumping ground. They were trying to get the kittens so they could bring them to a shelter. They caught one. There is Bill immediately looking to hold the out of control kitten. Within moments, the Cat Whisperer had her sleeping on him. Bill has a way with animals. He calms them all down, no matter what kind of animal they are. If they were never friendly before, they become friendly and so on. I don't get it. Anyway, he proceeds to hold her for forever. I said "no way, not another kitty." I said that over and over and over and over. Before I knew it, Bobby Jo got out the damn cat carrier and the little one was in the back of the SUV on the way home with us! God she is awfully cute. She still has yet to be named though. So we went straight home, put the kids to bed and got the kitten ready with a litter box and food and what now. Busy day! Adoption day of black and brown and stripped kitty!
On Sunday, Bill worked from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. We had Skyler and Teresa's party to attend. I fell asleep the night before on the chair and never got up and put my mask on. That just was not good for me at all. I woke up with a terrible migraine. Then the kitty got locked in my office with my pocketbook. I just felt out of it. On top of that, I got a nasty email from a friend I have had for years. Nice, huh? One thing that came out of the email is that my friend chose to clue me into something that may be a health concern. After doing a lot of checking, I am very concerned and looking into it. Too bad she didn't mention this to me a month ago. If I had any idea that someone might have something they didn't have before, you can bet your life I am pulling that friend aside and saying something. That is because I adore my friends. Needless to say, it was a really tough day. We did get to the party, late, but that was okay. The day turned around because I was with a great supportive bunch. The kids had a grand time as well.
On Monday, Bill worked form 6:00 am to 6:00 pm again. Grateful for the hours, trust me. I was still really upset about all that was said to me on Sunday and nervous about my health, so I called my doctor and made an appointment to see her. I also took the kids out to do a few errands. I tried to do some catching up at home, but all three were like crazy monkeys and it didn't make for a fun day. I was grateful when Bill came home that night.
On Tuesday, we celebrated our 8th anniversary. Well I shouldn't say we celebrated because we didn't celebrate it at all! Bill waited for the Brinks guy to come to reinstall a few alarms and I got ready for my doctors appointment. Well the Brinks guy came and we realized we were missing a few items, so he said we should reschedule. I took off down the highway for a noon appointment. My appointment went well. She really took the time to listen to my concerns. I did not feel better, but I didn't feel worse. She has some more blood drawn and I headed home. My doctor who I have had for years called me in the car as I was nearing home to tell me that she noticed that my iron level was high, so now I potentially have a third issue. I am just so nervous and overwhelmed by it all. So I called my GI doctor to make an appointment who then told me to call back my GP and have her send something saying what she wanted from them. Oy vey! What a nightmare. I was supposed to take the kids to the gazebo in town for a cute little show the library was sponsoring, but it got to be so late that I just pulled in and walked over and had Bill bring the kids up. The show was really cute! We then headed home. I cleaned the house, fed the kids and put them to bed. Bill went to the fire station for training. Romantic anniversary, no?
I had to cancel the vet appointment I had yesterday for the kitten because there was just not enough time in the day to get it all done. So on Wednesday, I took the kitty to the vets to get her going on her shots and such. Bill got called into the station in the morning, so not only did I have the precious furball, but I had the three big crazy Indians with me. They were not well behaved. We were there for over an hour and that didn't help. Anyway, kitty is a girl. She has medium to long hair and we can't figure out her coloring. Even the doctor was puzzled. All of her important test came back negative. She does have mites, but that is not uncommon. We cleaned her ears and gave her some meds. The doctor felt a hernia, so when she is spayed, we will have her have surgery at the same time. Lucky us and lucky her, no? We have yet to name the little beast. She is a beauty. She is so loving, but she is a kitten and love throwing herself at you and scratching the heck out of you. That I am having a hard time with. So I went on Freecycle and asked everyone if they had a cage. Someone immediately responded. Yay. I don't want to cage her, but there are times she needs to settle down and I need to be safe from the claws!!!! Anyway, other than the vet appointment, we were home for the rest of the day. My dear friend Kirsten came over for a visit since Bill was on call and I needed to be in the house. Of course there was no call! Not while he was on duty at least, but then one came in around 11:00 pm. I had a great time catching up with my sweet friend and it took my mind off of things.
Today we got up early and I took the three kids strawberry picking at Charlton Orchards. The strawberries were not plentiful, but we had a great time. Meri met us there with Lucas and Ryan and we met Cari-Lynne and a stay at home dad and another mom and just had a blast picking berries. We had the place to ourselves. I was so proud of my bunch as they did an awesome job picking the best berries they could find. In addition, Manny put his car seat on himself for the first time. So I was super proud. The kids had a blast and loved the apple cider donut that Ayi Meri shared with them! I got a zucchini and some summer squash. I was looking forward to having tonight, but it was a no go for cooking tonight. After we left the orchard, we went to Northboro to get the kennel and then to the post office and the library to pick up some more books for the reading program! I dropped the kennel and the two youngest off and then Ping and I headed to Sterling for a hair cut. We were home by three. I called my doctors office since I had been waiting for them to call since yesterday! Got some unpleasant results that upset me, but I just have got to keep on trudging on and looking for answers.
After feeding the kids and giving the youngest two a bath, I put them to bed and Bill and Ping took off with Uncle Joe and Lucas for a Tornadoes game. They are still there and are having an absolute blast. Having a quiet house tonight has been fantastic. I have caught up here and that is one more thing off the to do list!
Tomorrow I have an important doctors appointment and it's the start of the fourth of July weekend. I am really looking forward to it. Hope it's a productive one!
Well since I am still working on getting pictures up, I figured I would throw today out there. Today was a full day of stuff. Bill was home with the kids while I attended a doctors visit. That went fairly decently and he was a nice man. Bonus for that. I then dropped off some crafts the kids made for the seniors, spoke to my primary care on the phone, went to the bank and then headed home. Bill is now outside with Ping working on the garage and I am here finishing up labeling the photos while the little two play with their Color Wonder. Heading out for a pedicure soon. I have gotten nothing done here today. So upsetting, but out of my control!
Happy Fourth my friends!!!!!
Mama Out!!!!!!!!