Bill dropped off the Envoy at the auto body on Tuesday morning and got a rental. He still has it and it's been over a week. I hope the truck is ready soon. Not that he has had any issues with the rental, but it's still nice to have our own truck back. While Bill was getting the rental, I took Ping to her pre-surgery appointment. She is having her ear tube taken out on the 10th. She had one fall out naturally which is normal. This one is just stuck in there, so it's time to go in and pluck it out. Poor thing. She is nervous about it, but I told her not to worry as it would be really quick. The appointment took forever. Mostly due to sitting in the waiting room. I didn't think to bring something for Ping to play with as I didn't think we would be there so long. However, I was able to scrounge up some paper and crayons, so she was a little happier after I found those for her. She really just wanted to get to school. I dropped her off at 11:00 am and picked up Yamira at the same time. Not sure what we did the rest of the day. I did take Ping to skating in the afternoon. She is doing better every week. So proud of her.
On Wednesday, I had to take Ping to an eye appointment. It was not my intention to have her out of school two mornings this week. Didn't realize it till it was happening. Anyway, her vision is borderline. She probably should have glasses, but we are going to hold off till her next appointment and see if her vision has changes. The doctor calls her Shay Shay. Not sure why as I have never heard anyone call her that, but it's cute. He is excellent. He says he would prefer her to never have to wear glasses because her nose is so damn cute and he doesn't want to have to watch her struggle with wearing frames on her little button nose. I agree. Bill and I laugh sometimes at her in sunglasses. She has a little nose and it's so hard for anything to sit on it. So we will see what happens at her next appointment. The appointment wasn't too bad. It was fairly quick. The doctor gave her some M&Ms which he calls vitamins. The funniest thing is that you can tell she isn't my daughter by birth as she sticks them in her mouth and then finds a tissue to spit them out. She hates M&Ms. How is that remotely normal???? Anyway, I dropped her off at school, went home to get Bill and went back to school with Manny and Yamira as they had an open house at their preschool. They both got to see their classrooms and meet their teachers for next year. Yamira knew her teacher for next year so this was not really for her, but more for Manny. We got to see Ping as well while we were there. After two errands, we headed home so the little ones could nap. Bill took the girls to gymnastics after Ping got out of school and then came home to drop them off and then head off to Foxboro to visit with his mom and then to head into Boston for a concert that he was attending. It was a very tough afternoon. There were tornado warnings all over Massachusetts. They were all around us. Several hit in the Springfield and Monson areas. Some of those areas were devastated. They were all around West Boylston. I actually took the kids and Neesha in a cage to the cellar to be on the safe side. I couldn't get the other two girls into cages. I prayed that we wouldn't be hit. It was stressful and yet I was very calm. The basement is a mess due to the construction. We don't have a finished cellar. It's mostly crawl, so being down there for more than five minutes was a hardship. We came out of the cellar a little before 7:00 pm. I fed the kids and put them to bed. Just then another storm rolled in. The lightening was awful. I didn't wake the kids though as there were no warnings in the area. Thank god. As it is, four people were killed. Very upsetting. Bill got home around midnight. He knew about the storms, but that was it. They were no where near him. So he was lucky. I was concerned about him being on the highway, but he encountered no issues.
On Thursday, Bill was asked to work. I cancelled his dentist appointment he was going to have in the morning. I then took Yamira to school. Ping had the day off because it was Kindergarten orientation that day. So the new children coming in were there to meet their teachers. So Ping, Manny and I did a few errands and then went back to pick up Yamira from school. In the afternoon, I had a meeting with my financial adviser. The kids were off the walls as usual, so that made things hard. However, the two youngest went in for a nap so we were able to finish our business in peace. Ping colored so nicely, so it made for a nice afternoon.
Friday was a busy day for Bill. He took Sasha for a hair cut at 8:30 am. He then came home and took Manny to swimming at 10:10 am. Bill has been taking him to swimming for a few weeks now as I have not had the time to do so. I have had other appointments. Right after Bill got home, he headed off to Field Day at school. He volunteered to help out at Field Day for Ping. She wanted him too. He said he barely saw her, but he did manage to get a few pictures of her. She had a great day. A lot of parents went to watch. I didn't know that was something you could do. I felt so extremely guilty for not going. I would have had I knows that you could attend. I will go next year for sure. Ping had a long day because after school she had a play date with her friend Sammy. Sammy's mom picked her up and took her back to their house. She dropped her off a few hours later. Ping had a blast and asked when she could have another play date. I love that my daughter loves her friends like I love mine. Hopefully she always will keep her friends in her heart. That night I went out and Bill put the cherubs to bed. I went to Wright's Chicken Farm with Meri. She was attending a Tupperware party there. I couldn't eat, but tagged along to get some friend time. We had a nice night. I was home shortly after 10:00 pm because Bill was on call at 10:00 pm. He literally got a call right at 10:00 pm. Good thing I was on the way home!
Saturday morning I got up really early. I fell asleep in the chair, so I heard the kids bouncing around. I got up and greeted a gentleman who was here to fix our granite. While he was working, I got the kids breakfast. I then showered and headed out to do errands and then headed into Boston for my one year eye check up. My eyes are still perfect. The surgery was a success and I am still doing wonderfully. Hard to be in the North End with all of those delicious smells. However, it was a perfect day for a drive and being by myself listening to my music without a "MOM, I have a question" was wonderful. When I got home, I did a few things around the house and then headed out at 7:00 pm to see the movie "Bridesmaids" with Ashly and another friend. The movie was hysterical. So glad we went to see it. I had to be home for 10:00 pm as Bill was on call, so it was a quick movie and then home.
On Sunday, Bill was up and at the station for 6:00 am. I got up really early and got ready so that I could take the girls to Sunday School. Manny and I ran to Walmart to grab a few things. Sadly I was just there yesterday, but forgot a few items. By the time we walked out of Walmart, it was time to get the girls. Yamira was badly behaved at Sunday School. That was upsetting. Not sure why, but Yamira was so very badly behaved on Saturday too. You would think that she had just come to us. Not that a full year had passed! Bill was out of work at noon. After Manny and Yamira had lunch, they took a nap and then I took Yamira and Ping over to Bridget's house to work on our preschool projects. We are making items for the teachers. Yamira wasn't the best behaved there either. We did manage to get a lot done. We are now getting together this week to finish things up. When we got home the kids had dinner and then a quick bath and bedtime for them all.
I sure could use a neck massage right about now from all of this typing. On with the show.
Monday came and Bill had to work from 6:00 am-6:00 pm. So I got up and got the three ready and took the girls to school. Manny and I then went to a granite yard in Charlton to pick out a piece of granite for the laundry shelf. I found a piece I liked, so I tagged it and made an appointment for the template to be done at the house. We then headed back to West Boylston, but stopped to do a quick errand before picking up Yamira at school. Once home I fed the kids and put them in for a nap. I find that naps for Yamira are most helpful for me and for her. Mind you she hates it for the most part, but it really does a lot of good for her and I need a little peace and quiet in the afternoon so that I can make some business calls. Of course nap time is always over too quickly. Yamira hopped into her bathing suit and the three of us jumped in the car and went to get Ping. I then took the girls to their swim lesson. They are almost over and I for one can not wait. Manny sat next to me for the most part, but it's really hard to have him there as he is bored. He doesn't want to sit, he wants to wander which is dangerous. That and the girls are always yelling "Look what I can do mom!!!!" Thank god it's only a 30 minute lesson. After swim, we raced home and I fed them all very quickly as Bill was taking Ping to play miniature golf with the Daisies at 6:00 pm. While we were out today, the floors in the new addition were done. They were put in and it could not have been any louder. Not fun to listen to all day. What is worse than that is the fact that there was sand dust everywhere. It was awful. it was literally all through the house. The kitchen was hit the worst. So after dinner I had to clean the kitchen, the pantry and the bathroom from head to toe. While I did that, the kids were really well behaved watching a show, so I let the two stay up. When Bill got home, I thought he might help me get them to bed, but there was a car fire. Needless to say, I had to get them all into bed alone. Not a big deal at all, but unexpected. I ended up doing a few things at my desk and then sat down to watch TV. Unfortunately, I passed out on the chair and didn't get a chance to watch much of anything.
On Tuesday, I expected my new gas company to come and install a tank. However, they did not have me on their schedule. I have decided not to use them as they are a horrible company to work with. I have tried several times to work with Paraco Gas in the last two months, but all they have done is mess up and I wasn't even a customer yet. I don't know how they stay in business, I really don't. Bill took the girls to school, but I got up early so I could get some calls made. The first one was to Paraco. The other one was me trying to get to the bottom of our health insurance. That is so difficult to do. Whenever the state is involved, it is difficult. All I do is call and leave message after message. However, I did speak to someone finally. Hoping that things will be straightened out soon. Bill had a doctors appointment so he could get some blood work drawn. Since he is entering school in the Fall, it's important for him to get titers and shots before starting. While he was at the doctors, I took a quick shower so that I could get Yamira from school. Unfortunately, while I was showering, I got a call from my doctor who ordered my blood tests. Here I am soaking wet as I am in the shower and I can't write a thing down. Additionally, Manny is humming and yelling and playing. It was a little stressful. She told me that my Vitamin D was low which is a constant thing. She told me that my K was low and that my Thiamin was low. She also said that my calcium was high and that wasn't normal. That was upsetting. I asked her what that was all about. She said she didn't want to say too much as it was up to me to discuss with the doctor who did my surgery. However, I could have something called Para Hyperthyroidism. I was a little shaken by that especially because she said it needed to be taken care of immediately and yet she was very hands off. She is willing to order the labs, but she isn't willing to do anything else because it's my "surgeons area" and only he would know if it was surgery related. Well it may not be. It could just be what it is, so why she doesn't get involved is both frustrating and upsetting. Well I am not sure if it was due to the awful poly smell of the floors of if it was due to a sinus infection or that the news was upsetting, but I got very dizzy in the shower right after I hung up. I had to literally put my head down while standing. After trying that three times, I finally got out of the shower and sat down on the tile floor and froze. I was so scared I was going to pass out and I was home alone with no clothes on and Manny to take care of. I also needed to get Yamira from school and take her to an appointment. I was able to pull it together and so Manny and I jumped in the car, picked up Yamira and then I ran Yamira to her first Occupational Therapy appointment. We were a little late for it. I felt awful being late for this appointment as I was so looking forward to getting this therapy started. Yamira was so very badly behaved, it was embarrassing. She and Manny were both out of control. Not sure what is going on with the two of them. Yamira was running all over the place. She didn't want to listen to the therapist. She wanted to run to me to show me things instead of paying attention. She then went into my pocketbook, grabbed a snack and ripped it open. When I took it away from her as she had no right to do that, she threw a huge temper tantrum. She doesn't get it. She is not in charge! I love her dearly and wish I could cut her some slack, but if I do, she thinks she is in charge and can tell me, Bill and everyone else what to do. I have to constantly stay on her and it pains me to do so. She knows she is not allowed to eat anything without permission. She knows she isn't allowed in my pocketbook. She was putting on an awful show for the therapist. It was good for the therapist to see though. It was helpful to her as Yamira displayed some behaviors that I have discussed with her. I am thinking that letting her stay up a little late the night before was a grave mistake. Now I was royally paying for it. After a quick errand on the way home, I fed them and put them in for their naps. Shortly after, I went to get Ping from school and took her to her ice skating lesson which she enjoyed. She seems to be liking skating so much more now that she has a little routine she is working on. We then headed home for dinner and a fairly early bed time. Bill was out last night. For the life of me, I can't remember where he was. He may have been on a call. Ping asked me to lay down with her, so I did. I passed out. When Bill got home he asked me what I was doing. I got up and headed downstairs to do a few things and to watch a little TV.
Today Bill took the girls to school while I showered. I had to be to the school for 9:00 am as I was the parent volunteer in Ping's classroom today. It was so hot in there. Good thing the heat doesn't bother me like it used to or I would have been a mess. Mrs. Kiefer had an appointment and the kids were well aware of it. So per usual, the kids all thought they could talk loudly and not do their work. Needless to say, I was directing and redirecting all morning. It starts young. When the cat is away, the mice play. That and it's hot and it is the end of summer. I have loved volunteering in her classroom. It's been such a joy to meet and work with all of Ping's school mates. They are really sweet kids. So I was sad to know that today was the last day. After leaving school, I headed home for a few hours of work and phone calls. Bill got Yamira from school, fed them and then I put them into bed for naps. Bill had a 1:00 pm advising appointment so that he could get registered for school in September. While the kids napped, I made some business calls. Bill then came home and the kids woke up maybe 10 minutes after. Bill had a lesson in scuba diving in NH tonight. I bought him this for his birthday I believe. So I took the three to gymnastics after grabbing Ping from school. Bill could have taken the girls to the gym, but I was afraid he would then rush to NH and didn't want him to miss his 6:00 pm class. Manny of course didn't want to sit still, so he ran around the gym while I tried to chat with a friend. The girls did pretty well. Yamira was a little off the wall and not paying attention which always frustrates me, but for the most part she did fine. We only have one more gym class next week. Yay. So glad it's over for the summer! We left the gym and came home and I put the newest Netflix cd in which was Tangled. Ping loved. The other two didn't much seem to care. I made dinner or rather I heated up dinner and then put the three to bed. Ping begged me to lay down with her, so I did. When I went to get up, she started to cry. Needless to day, I passed out and found Daddy staring at me when he got home just like he did last night. He said he had a great time at the intro to scuba lesson. I got up and came down to watch TV. Unfortunately, Charter has changed the way they manage their TV system, so it was hard to maneuver the channels. That and some of my shows didn't tape. The good thing is that I decided to update here due to the TV bugging me.
So I started typing over an hour ago. Told you it took some serious time to update. I didn't even say one flipping interesting thing. All I did was recount the last week and a half which is pretty boring. Going forward, maybe I can spend more time here as it will be summer and I will have plenty of excursions to share? Can't promise anything. I do hope we have a great summer. It will be nice not to have to run three times a day to the school plus run after school all night to various activities. Can I ban all activities for the next year? God I would love to, but I know myself. A little breather and I will have them all involved in everything again! I never stop.
Have a great couple of more days till the weekend. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool my friends.
Mama Out!!!!!!
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