The last time I was here I had just had nose surgery. That feels like it was forever ago. Must be living dog days or cat days here. Anyway, the next day I did a bunch of things around the house, but laid low as I was shaky still from the anesthesia. I was also somewhat sleepy. So I did what I could.
Thursday was a busy day. I was one of the chaperones for Ping's class field trip. It was spitting rain and cold. However, they did not cancel. It was raining two weeks ago when we tried to go. They didn't want to disappoint the kids. So off we went in two buses to Tougas Farms to apple pick. The kids were wild on the way there. They were so excited. We got there and loaded onto wagons. Almost everyone took off their coat to put down on the wet seats so they didn't end up with wet buns. It was so cold and there we are with no jackets on! We got off of the wagon and learned about picking apples. We then walked through the trees and picked six apples each. Despite the cold and misting, the apples and the orchard were so pretty. The apple trees looked like they were out of a Hallmark movie to me. So juicy, red and wet from the rain. Each parent had six children they had to care for. My six were well behaved. They were a joy to pick apples with. Shayla was one of them. We then walked across the road and each child picked a pumpkin. Amazing how some of them thought the biggest was the best and yet could not carry the pumpkin, let alone their pumpkin with apples! We then headed to get donuts and cider, but since it was so muddy and cold, the teachers got it all to go. So we headed to our buses. Unfortunately, our two drivers jumped in one bus and headed off to coffee. Nobody was happy with that. Most of the kids were on the other bus, but our kids plus us had to stand in the freezing cold. They should never have left. What if there was an emergency? That was upsetting to say the least. We finally boarded the bus for the trip back to school. We got there in time for me to get Manny and Yamira. I brought them home and gave them lunch and they had a nap. I actually had to lay down with a blanket for a short time as I was so frigid it felt like it was shaking my core. I warmed up and was good to go for the day. I picked up Ping after her tennis lesson and we came home for the night. It was a long day for Ping and so it was coloring, dinner and bed for everyone. Bill was at school. I wanted to go out to dinner that night, but I couldn't as Bill wouldn't be home. Just as well I suppose.
On Friday, Bill took Sasha to have a hair cut after he dropped the kids off at school. I honestly can't remember what we did that day. I have been trying to cut back on leaving the house so I can get some stuff done around the house. So I probably did some stuff at my desk. Boring, but necessary. Oh I remember. I am the Fall Product Manager for Girl Scouts, so I put in all of the orders. That took like seven hours for me to figure it out, check numbers, make calls and put the stuff in. So glad I got that done. So glad for two very helpful people. Karen Dorman, Shayla's leader and Lisa who is in charge of the entire thing. I was able to email and call her and get it all done that night. Bill covered the football game for the fire department at night.
Saturday brought soccer at 9:00 am. I took the little ones towards the end of the game as it was really cold out and they get bored easily. I then left the kids with Bill to bring home and did a few errands. There were tons of things to do that day, but I cancelled everything and we stayed home and did some things around here. It is nice to have days like that. The kids relax and play and we get caught up on some stuff that we often need two people for. The next day was due to be very busy, so it was just as well.
On Sunday, I took the kiddos to Sunday School and Bill worked at the station all day. He went in for 6:00 am. He worked till 6:00 pm and then came home and worked from 6:00-10:00 pm too. Then at 10:00 pm, he was on night coverage till 6:00 am. Busy day for him. After Sunday School, we came home. The kids played, had lunch and then Yamira and Manny had a nap. Ping played with some of her stuff and then they all got ready for the Halloween party at the church. So we went there till 6:00 pm or so. Had no intention of staying for pot luck, but we did. The kids really wanted to. Then we went home and gave the kids a bath and tucked them in for the night. It was a busy day. They were all so beautifully behaved at both Sunday School and the party. I was very proud of them!
I was supposed to have lunch on Monday, but had to cancel. I forgot that Bill goes to school early on Mondays. Can't have lunch with two little ones and chat if it's just supposed to be a lunch for two mom's. Spent the day at home. Other than running back and forth to get the three munchkins, I stayed home and worked at my desk. I have to write down what I do because frankly, I have no clue what I can do that keeps me so busy all dang day. I am sure it was preparing for Tastefully Simple and a bunch of other stuff. Like I said before, I am trying to stay home a lot more. I know one thing. I baked sugar cookies and cinnamon rolls. Trying to be a little domesticated. I am over it already. Ping did have Daisies that night. So we all headed out for 6:00 pm and then Bill showed up around 6:30 pm or so for the two youngest while I hung out at the meeting. It was really more of a Halloween party and celebrating Juliette Lowe's birthday. She founded Girl Scouts.So the girls were there for 1 1/2 hours. They ate donuts off of strings. It was so much fun to watch them, but stringing donuts is no easy task!!!! They also did a bunch of other things and had fun snacks. I enjoy her troop immensely. Great leaders and great girls.
On Tuesday, the kids all had a 1/2 day of school. Bill picked them all up at 11:10 am. We get Ping out at the same time as Manny and Yamira. She isn't a fan of us doing that, but if not it is truly another 45 minutes for the process of buses, walkers and picking up parents to get done. It's not worth waiting as I have done it before. She also loses a little bit of time. However, it is worth it for us. Yamira and I hopped in the car immediately and headed off for her OT appointment. It was her last one. Her therapist thought that she was less sensory affected than she had been. We will miss her. Wonderful therapist. We then met Daddy in the parking lot. He took Yamira and headed home for lunch and naps. I headed to my 1:00 pm appointment with my nose doctor. They removed a benign cyst. Thank god it wasn't something major. I was relieved. I then headed home as Bill had to get to school. That afternoon the kids played and then we headed out to the flu clinic. That went really fast. Ping freaked and screamed. Manny and Yamira did fine. Then home to bed. Ping never recovered from her Kindergarten shots, so that is why she freaked. However, once the shot was done, she realized it was a piece of cake.
Wednesday was spent at home. I prepared for my two upcoming Tastefully Simple parties and worked on a few business calls and such. For some reason, Bill and I both started to lose our voices that afternoon. Now Manny and Ping have had little colds, but we didn't really have any symptoms with the exception of the voice thing. I was really hoarse.
On Thursday I woke up and could barely speak. Bill could be heard better, but felt run down. There had been a call in the middle of the night, so he was tired. I had a 10:00 am appointment with Yamira's therapist to discuss how we feel she is coming along. Her therapist is wonderful. I then did a few errands and headed home so Bill could get to school. Ping had tennis after school, so we picked her up at 4:00 pm and then we headed to the salon for three hair cuts for them. Then home for homework, dinner and bed.
Friday was a busy day. I overslept. Manny had a party at school. Bill asked me at 10:17 am if today was the party. I was in shock. I was still in bed. I could barely talk. I was probably still sleeping because of the cold I was trying to fight off? Anyway, Bill ran to the school and saved the day. I could not have gotten ready fast enough. I felt really bad about missing it. However, it's usually me that goes. I got up and got ready as I had an appointment with my neurologist at 12:30 pm. He is the sweetest man. I really like him. I had my prescription upped and another prescription for PT. Hoping that helps. I then came home and got ready for the evening. I had a Tastefully Simple party that night. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I could not sit and relax after since Bill was on at 10:00 pm for the fire department. I would have loved to sit and chat since the host is a friend. I had a great time though. Sadly, my voice was horrendous for the party, but I made it through.
On Saturday we headed to soccer for 9:00 am. It was Ping's last day of soccer. It was bitter cold. We were all freezing. I forgot mittens and hats for me, Yamira and Manny. What a dunce I am. Thank god for sweet Tamara who had extras of everything and a blanket. I enjoy going to see Ping at soccer because she loves it and a whole bunch of her friends play. It's nice to see the kids and the parents. It's just usually too cold to chat much. Last year was a much better season. Oh well. The kids don't seem to care. Just us parents watching on the sidelines. Once we left soccer, we headed home for lunch and the kids changed into their costumes. We then went to the haunted house at the library. It was cute. We were there for less than 30 minutes. We headed home and the little ones napped while Ping relaxed. I prepared for my Tastefully Simple party that night. At 2:30 pm, it started snowing like crazy. We knew we were in for snow, but we really didn't know how much till Friday night. I didn't cancel the party because I thought the snow was due to come in around 6:00 pm or so. Neither my friend nor I would want anyone out in a terrible storm. However, it came in at 2:30 pm. I left at 5:00 pm to get to the party. What is usually a 20 minute ride took me an hour. The roads were horrible. I do not mind driving in snow, but the snow was so heavy, that trees were all over the streets. So I was a little scared that I was taking my life and that of my cars into my hands! I got to the party and barely anyone came. However, the few that came were great. I was thrilled to see my good friend Kirsten and her husband and beautiful girls. We had a nice time. My voice was horrendous and got worse as the night wore on. After finishing up, I jumped in the car for the ride home. That was even worse of course. I was going to go the long and safer way, but then decided to go the way I came. What a mistake. There were more trees to dodge and narrow roads. I should have gone the other way, but wanted to get home so that Bill could get to the fire department. Needless to say, there was a tree all the way across Salisbury in Worcester, so I had to literally turn around and go all the way back to where I was and go the long way anyway. Should have listened to my other self. It took me an hour to get home. I walked in and Bill walked out. He brought his uniform, a change of clothes, coffee and food. It was a long night for him. He was out for most of it. We had been out of power until I arrived home. For some reason, when I pulled into the driveway, the power popped on. It was on for most of the night, but flickered badly and I had zero TV and phone and spotty internet. Ping came down around 2:00 am and we both passed out on my favorite chair. When I woke up, I got her up and we went upstairs to bed. We lost power again around 4:00 am or so?
On Sunday, we got up around 7:30 am. I was exhausted because I had not slept all night long. It was too hard to sleep. Felt like I had to keep an eye on the house due to breaking trees. They kept scraping the house. We had no power. Facing the day with three kids and no power was a little scary. I know, I am a wimp. Sunday School was cancelled, so we didn't head there. The snow was deep and heavy as heck. We had a tree across High Street, so we couldn't leave the house. Me and the girls had reservations at the Asa Waters Mansion in Millbury for tea at 3:00 pm. I thought for sure it would be cancelled. It wasn't. So Bill who was supposed to be home for 12:00 pm called around 10:00 am because the guy coming in at 12:00 pm called in that he wasn't showing up. Needless to say, Bill was asked to stay. I don't mind at all, but we had reservations and I hadn't found out if it was cancelled yet. Well I called several times and there wasn't a message. However, Bill found another number on his own. He called it and it said the tea was still on. Do not ask me where he put my original husband. LOL. He wasn't kidding when he said he needed an answer on whether he could stay. Anyway, I told him to come home for 1:00 pm as I wanted to leave early. Well that never worked out. He kept going on calls. He was stuck at the hospital at 1:30 pm and I had to leave in 30 minutes. So I called Ashly and asked her if she would take Manny for me. Not only did she take Manny for me, but she and Bobby and Bobby's dad came over and plowed for me and got rid of the tree that was across my driveway. By then the tree across High Street was gone too. So after about 30 minutes, me and the girls headed out and Ashly headed out with Manny. Bill was so grateful and relieved as he simply could not leave. Sure enough as we were leaving the house, there was another town for yet another call.
The girls and I got to the tea shortly before 3:00 pm. Mrs. Kirsten and her two beauties were already there. All the kids were in costume. We thought since so many people didn't have power, that the tea would be small. I think they had one cancellation. It was packed. We could not have been more wrong. We had a wonderful time. The kids ate tons of sweets, we had tea which was very yummy, we listened to a Halloween story and did a little parade around the mansion. It was cute and well done as always. It was so nice to be out. Poor Kirsten had no power, but she and the girls were troopers for showing despite that. Bill actually had someone offer to cover him, so at 4:00 pm he left the station and went and got Manny. Bill was going to work for 6:00 pm, so it was great he got out. He was exhausted as he didn't sleep all night long. Not only did he get out of staying till 6:00 pm, but he was doing the 6:00-10:00 pm shift too, and the man covering offered to do that for him. So sweet. Bill was thrilled. He was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open. Once home, I actually put dinner together quickly and we put the kids to bed. It was a long day for everyone. We found out at dinner that the kids didn't have school the next day. Bill still did or so we thought.
Monday comes and Bill heads off to school. He calls 20 minutes later to say that school had just been cancelled. What a waste of a drive. Oh well. At least he was coming home. So we all jumped into the car and did a bunch of errands together. Basically Bill drove the car to the curb and I jumped out and did the errand. I had a ton of returns to make. It was nice to have car to curb service. We stopped at the new Wegmens in Northboro. We walked around there for 30 or so minutes and then headed home for lunch and naps. Bill headed outside to work on breaking down some of the tree branches and Ping headed out for some winter fun. I headed out with Ashly for a last minute pedicure. We tried a new place in town. I thought it was great. Nice for some girl time too. When I got home, Ping had made three snow people. One had a pumpkin head. One was supposedly the kitty Jezzy. So cute. The little ones were up and then it was dinner and bath time. I worked on some Tastefully Simple stuff and tried to watch a movie which I passed out during.
Tuesday Bill dropped the kids off at school and then took Sasha to the vet to get a teeth cleaning. I headed out to Clinton to meet a TS hostess so that I could give her the packet of stuff to make. I then picked up Manny and Yamira and we met Miss Ashly and Mrs. Rebecca and the kids at the library for a little play time. Yamira had a great day and was so proud. However, she didn't want to play long. I think she was hungry and tired. Manny had an accident, so I called Bill to bring a pair of pants to me. At that point, Yamira wanted to go home with Daddy and so I sent Manny and Yamira home for lunch and naps. I hung out a bit longer to chat. I then headed home to make some important business calls. Bill had the day off as Quinsig cancelled classes again, so he was home all afternoon. He worked in the attic a little bit as we had a ton of junk up there from when some roofing was done. He went and picked up Sasha at the vets and made chicken, rice and corn for the kiddos. I cleaned and did a bunch of things for Tastefully Simple. It's time consuming to get orders in and double checked and payments straight and banking ready to go to the bank. I forgot how time consuming it was. We gave the kids baths and put them to bed. Later on as Bill was passing me in the dining room he belly bopped me. That is where I bounce off his belly like a trampoline. We were just playing with each other. Well Bill has not been listening to me as I keep telling him that he can't rough house with me like he used to. Needless to say, I flew across the room, hit the radiator and broke an outlet plug in half. I bruised my arm, leg and back. It knocked the wind right out of me. So not fun at all. I know it wasn't intentional. Told him that I have zero strength and my balance is all off. This is not the first time I have lost my balance. I have a few times lately. When I brought my TS box into the party on Friday night, I was all over the place swaying as my core isn't very strong right now. Need to really change that. When will I have the time though?
Now we are at Wednesday. I overslept. So mad at myself. So, so mad at myself. Ping and Yamira were yapping this morning and I kept waking up. When Bill took the kids to school, I passed out due to the silence and slept hard. So when I woke up, I bolted from bed and showered. I then headed to Leominster City Hall to finally get Manny and Yamira's birth certificates. I have been waiting on them since March! So I got them and headed right to the Social Security office to get them new numbers. That was a mess. I was put in the wrong line due to the computer. The woman is processing things quickly until I say "That was quick, when do I get the new number?" She said "You did not want just replacement cards?" Heck no. So I had to sit back down and wait on someone else to call me. I was there for an hour and a half. I felt like I needed a shower by the time I left there. The place is old. There are so many people that are in and out of that office. Always surprises me to hear some of them discuss food stamps while they have Uggs on their feet, are carrying a nice cell and Dsi's for all of their kids. Not trying to be judgmental here, but clearly they are cheating the system or they don't have their priorities straight. I was glad to be out of there. I won't know if we are granted new cards for two weeks. It is up to Social Security if they want to issue us two new cards. I find that bothersome, but can't do anything to change it. Anyway, I drove home like a bat out of hell as Bill had to leave to get to school. I had to turn around and get Ping from school and head to the bank. We spent the rest of the day at home. The kids colored and played with their trucks and princesses. They had dinner and off to bed they went. I finished up some Tastefully Simple orders, did some other paperwork and now I am here trying to get caught up on the blog. It's now 11:00 pm and I have yet to sit down to watch TV. I want to catch the news, so I am off. Well I guess I lied. Never left. Posting pictures and then crawling into bed. I am exhausted all of a sudden.
Hope you are having an excellent week. Hope your power was restored if you have been out. Enjoy your Halloween Trick or Treating West Boylston residents.
Mama Out!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Glad to hear you are staying mostly healthy, and the tumor was benign. Sorry about your fall. Geez! You crushed that outlet. The kids looked adorable in their costumes.
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