Monday started off okay. The girls went to school. Manny and I had a play date, but due to the weather, we had to cancel. It was very icy. That and there were a lot of accidents on the highway. I did a few errands in the afternoon and then we had a 2:30 pm appointment at the house to meet with Holli, the kid's social worker. She came over to discuss what we needed for court on Thursday. After she left, we took the girls to their swim lessons at the Y. They loved the class. I knew they would. After dropping off the family, I ran to get my taxes and then came home and got Ping and took her to Daisys. I went back an hour later to get her and to watch a little ceremony they were having. She got a new pin and a new badge. Bill was on from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm. He had a call at 9:00 pm, but other than that, it was quiet. It was a busy day, but a manageable day. I like manageable days. The most important thing I did this day was to call Deval Patrick's office to discuss why Bill has yet to receive unemployment. I was told that I would hear from someone soon.
Tuesday came and Bill and I dropped off the girls together. We then went to FW Webb in Auburn to pick out a toilet, a tub, a vanity and all the stuff that goes with a vanity plus a faucet and accessories. We then drove to the school to get Yamira. We brought Manny and Yamira home and fed them lunch. We then headed to Framingham to meet with a gentleman to discuss electronics for the new family room. The kids were so badly behaved, that Bill went to the car with them and let them watch a movie, while I had the meeting with the guy. We then left so we could go get Ping from school. We then went home because the kid's lawyer wanted to visit with them. He had no idea we were doing the finalization on Thursday. He asked if he could stop by and so he did. Nice guy. He wasn't here long. I don't remember what we did once he left. I don't think we did much of anything because we were gone all day long. I believe it was just homework and dinner and then bed. The best part of the day was that unemployment called and they rectified the situation! About darn time.
On Wednesday, Bill took the kids to school and went to get my car an oil change. It was desperately in need of one. I stayed home so I could talk with the contractors about some things. At 10:00 am we had an appointment with the guy we had seen the day before. He came by to discuss wiring. I then ran out to do a few things. Bill took the kids to gymnastics in the afternoon. That was a godsend because I have had a ton of calls to make. I am trying to work on some federal tax issues and some health insurance stuff. So I was on the phone a good part of the afternoon. Once the girls were home, we fed them and got them into a bath. Today we got three unemployment checks. A miracle!!!!!!
Thursday was a huge day for us. It was adoption day. We took the kids to court for 8:30 am as instructed. Unfortunately, they didn't know who the judge was going to be and that took over an hour. By the time we went in front of the judge, the two little ones were bonkers. Yamira was spinning around a book and Manny kept throwing a book and yelling no. The kid's social worker and ours were both there. It was nice that they were able to show. I tried to hear what the judge said, but the kids made it impossible to hear or concentrate. At this point, we just wanted it over. We took a few pictures and then Yamira says "Where is the judge?" Really???? She was right in front of her. The judge even said "I am right here." At that point Yamira said "You can't be the judge, you are too big. " The judge is very tall. So the judge said "Well I am one of the taller judges." What does Yamira say? "I don't want to see you, I want to see one of the shorter judges." I thought I was going to die of embarrassment! After that, we walked out and had the kids take a picture with Holli and Maureen who were our social workers. It was freezing out. Brutally freezing. Bill went to get the car and we drove to school to drop off Ping. We then went home and changed, fed the little ones and then ran out to look at two function halls and to do an errand. Then we went back to West Boylston to get Ping and then back to Shrewsbury for the second time in a row to look at granite. I was looking while the kids and Bill stayed in the car. What a long day. Poor Manny didn't get a nap. I was exhausted and hungry and had to go to the bathroom, but never stopped long enough to do that. Once home, it was dinner and bed for the kids. I passed out on my chair the minute I sat in it.
On Friday, I had the worst schedule. At 9:00 am, I had a 10 minute appointment that went to 50 minutes. I had a 10:10 swim class with Manny that I had to drive a million miles an hour to get to. I then had 10 minutes to change and get Yamira. Bill was at the station for a shift for the entire day, so I had to take care of all the kiddos. Once I got Yamira, we headed off to her 12:00 pm appointment and then we went to social security to try and straighten out a tax issue. I hate going there. I hate going there with kids even more!!!!!! We the went to get my taxes in Clinton and then we went to pick up Ping at school. Poor kids didn't have lunch and Manny didn't have a nap. Mind you I had tons of snacks. They were not starving or neglected. However, this is no way for anyone to live for the day. Once home, I had to make three important business calls. The kids were screaming and I am trying to make these calls and see what these people have to say. Very, very stressful. At 6:00 pm, I actually sat on my favorite chair. I knew Bill would be pulling in. So I laid my head down and napped for an hour. Bill fed the kids and put them to bed. I got back up and did a bunch of things I needed to do on the computer. Finally around 10, I gave up. Enough is enough, you know? Too long a day.
Yesterday was a good day for the most part. I got up and took Ping to Chuck E. Cheese to meet with my friend Chris and her son Mason. He was my first CASA case. He is a sweetie and I was so happy to see him. Plus I love his mom. The kids had lunch and then played the games. We then took them for an ice cream. I was home shortly after 2:00 pm. We had a 3:30 pm birthday party at a gymnastics place for Molly. Ping ran to the bathroom for 2:45 pm so we could get a move on. Yamira was going to go next. She would not wait for Ping, so she tried to barge in. At that moment, Ping slammed the door. Unfortunately, Yamira got her first finger stuck in the door jam. We heard a blood curdling scream. We both paused before running because Yamira tends to be overly dramatic. However, we both knew something was wrong, so we came out running. There was blood on the door. Her fingernail was falling off. She was trembling. It was awful. Ping was bawling and apologizing like crazy. She said she wouldn't participate at gymnastics because she hurt her sister. Broke my heart. What a good sister. It was an accident. She kept apologizing to Yamira. I called the pediatrician to check to see if we should take her to the emergency room. I didn't think we should, but wanted to check. The pediatrician agreed. Not much they could do. So I loaded her up with Tylenol and we all left for the party. It hurt her, but she still participated fully. We then went back to Kirsten and Roger's house for dinner. That was great. We had a nice time. We do not see them enough. We got home later than we should have. The kids were silly and not well behaved. We put them right to bed. I then did a few things at my desk and then I watched a movie before going to bed.
Today was a great day. My friend Maura came to visit for a short time. She needed to get some Girl Scout cookies and we needed to get caught up on some stuff. So glad we had some time together. The afternoon has been a blur. I have been here catching up on the blog, making lists of stuff I have to do this week, writing my 3 to do lists onto 1 to do list. That sort of thing. Feel a little better getting caught up on things. However, I have a long ways to go. I think I am getting a cold too. Bill is putting in some wiring and I need to run and get the kids in the bath after I clean the table. Off to do that and then I can add some photos here.
Okay, the kids have had their bath, they have been lotioned up and have had a book read to them. Bill is wiring still. I cleaned everything up. All he has to do is come back over.
Have a wonderful week!!!!
Mama Out!!!!!
Congratulations on officially being a family of five!
How is Yamira's finger doing now?
Heather, Thanks so much. She is doing okay. She is not digging that fact that we have to change the bandage daily though. Not fun. I can't believe we have 3. I want to go back though, I really do. CHINA!
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