I truly didn't want the kids going back to school. The only thing that I thought to myself would be that I would have more time to get some things accomplished, especially in the morning while they are at school. Now the first two weeks of school hasn't been that bad. I have met up with one good friend for a good chat in the am that lasted till the afternoon. Hey, we had a lot to catch up on. I also had a great lunch with a friend in the same week. This past week I did some errands with yet another good friend and we had lunch. So it has not all been work. However, just because I am out and about doesn't mean that my responsibilities at home disappear. Quite the opposite. I often have to work even harder and later just to get everything accomplished that I didn't do while I was out catching up with a friend.
The kids are loving school and Bill is adjusting to being a student. Unfortunately, nights around here are hard. Between going through the endless paperwork some of them come home with from day to day, the homework, the repacking of snacks and lunch, the dinner that I have to throw on the table which is very disappointing to me as I don't cook, plus the bedtime routine of bath, reading books, fluffing up pillows and securing stuffed animals, it makes for a very long day. Mind you, I don't regret it. I don't begrudge it. It's just very time consuming. That stuff isn't really hard. It's the endless interruptions that come with doing that stuff and the other things that have to be accomplished. Like cleaning. I have to clean the kitchen, bathroom and dining room daily as those are the most used rooms. If the house isn't tidy, my brain isn't tidy. Some people will get that and others won't. That is okay. If you get it, you can empathize with me. Then there is the paperwork that has to be done around here whether it is car stuff which we have had a lot lately or for insurance stuff. Right now I am currently working on getting things ready for Yamira's birthday party. On top of that I am chasing down an almost fixed pressure washer that we desperately need. I want to order all the photos I haven't ordered over the last few months. I want to get some stuff put away in the kids rooms and I want to order some event tickets. Nothing special in general, but all stuff that takes time and there is only one person in this house that does it. That is me. It's okay, I am a control freak and I am organized. I just wish there wasn't so much all the time and I didn't have to wrestle with myself as to taking a Sunday off to do stuff or go out and play with the family. Just feeling a tad overwhelmed lately I suppose. Anyway, I need to get to updating this blog as it's been heavily wearing on me. It's nearly been two weeks since I have last check in.
I left off on Labor Day Monday. Now what did we do after that? Hmm, help me out someone! Okay I can now remember. It was Bill's first day of school. Bill dropped off the kids in the morning at school and then we headed off to my favorite auto body place to leave my truck there for some cosmetic work. We picked up the rental which we fondly called "POS" and headed off to find an address to get a cat carrier off of Freecycle. All Bill and I could do was laugh. The car was a true "piece of shit." Here we are in Worcester, using the gps on our phones to find out where we need to be and we are running around in circles. We finally find where we need to be and approach this horrible rocky road. Bill got out and looked at the steps of three people's homes before we found the right one. We found the cat carrier and laughed all the way down the street as we jostled from side to side. I said to Bill, it's like we are just starting out in life again. The Taurus we are driving has a brake light that doesn't shut off. You have to shut the door by sticking your hand outside the car and using the outside handle and it has a bucket of rust. That and the car carrier that we drove all over for was about as pretty as the car! Oh well. I can wash it and remove all the "live animal" stickers, right? I wanted another one as we have four cats and while we don't need four carriers, given the recent hurricanes and tornadoes we have had here in MA, I wanted to try to get four in the event of a terrible emergency! We then went to do a few more errands and Bill dropped me off at Walmart while he went to get his truck at home to pick up the two little ones at school. He then came to get me at Walmart. After a quick stop at home, we headed to their biological dad's home for a short visit. He is a very nice man. He tries really hard and that makes me so very happy. We get along well with him and his wife. He has a bigger TV than us and the Wii. Bill played on the Wii, I sat on the couch vegging and the kids played with their Dad. We didn't stay long as Bill had to be to school and I had to pick up Ping from school. It was a great day overall with many laughs. Bill took the POS to school and left me with the truck. The POS doesn't have three car seats in it.
Wednesday was a great day. I met my sweet girlfriend Kirsten at the Northworks in Worcester for lunch. We sat and chatted for a few hours. I then headed home with the POS and grabbed the truck. Bill headed off to school and I headed off to get Ping at school. We then went home and the kids watched a movie while I cleaned out the backpacks and got stuff ready for the next day. Yamira and Manny were in a mood this afternoon. Not sure why, but it was not remotely enjoyable. At 5:00 pm, we piled into the truck and I took Ping to a birthday party for twin friends of hers. I was going to drop her off as I was told I could do so and then take Manny and Yamira for dinner somewhere. I didn't feel so hot, it was pouring and their behavior was awful, so I wasn't really in the mood to do that. I got up the courage to ask another woman I know to bring Ping home. I hate, hate, hate asking people to do me a favor. I hate putting people out like that. However, she said she would be happy to do so. I was so unbelievably grateful. So we came straight home. I fed the little ones and put them to bed. Bill then came home a little earlier than he expected and shortly after Ping came bounding in. She had a great time. Parties are so hard in general. They are hard to plan. They are hard to have in the middle of the week and they are hard to explain to everyone when not everyone in the family is invited. Not that they should be. It's just hard to explain while all of us attend some and only one of us attends others. All in all, a great day.
On Thursday, I had physical therapy for my neck and head and then I met my wonderful friend Lisa at Starbucks for an iced tea date. We got there at 9:45 am or so and left around 2:00 pm. It's not like we didn't have anything else to do. However, there was a lot to catch up on. It was nice to see just her. I adore my children and she adores hers, but there are so many interruptions when all the kids are around! After I left Starbucks I headed home so Bill could get off to school and so I could get Ping from school. I had to give him the POS and I had to take the truck. All we have done is switch cars. This was a really great morning, but a toughie. I told Bill that I would drive the kids to school in the am. Unfortunately, I had to use the truck for that, but then because he was getting the kids at 11:00 am, I had to take the POS to PT. So I dropped the kids off, rushed home in the pouring rain and headed out to therapy. The sad thing is that I didn't know you could only shut the door handle by putting your hand outside. So there is Bill running alongside the car with just jeans on and I am driving and swearing. It's funny now, but it wasn't then. Bill is trying to show me how to shut the door and I just keep rolling slowly out of the driveway while yelling. I felt awful, but it was getting late. Bill was drenched and nearly went to therapy with me because his hand was on the doorknob. I made it to therapy but I was 15 minutes late. So I got a 10 minute therapy session to the tune of $20.00. The flooding was so bad, it really kept me from getting there on time. That and the POS! Like I said, all we did was switch cars every day. Bill was in school till 9:00 pm that night, so I missed the Open House at the school. I felt really guilty about missing it, but I did contact all teachers and tell them that I wouldn't be there. Regardless, it's an awful feeling you get when you are not doing right by your children, but the children were not included and so I wasn't going to take three with me. Meri had offered to babysit, but it was only the first week of Bill being at school. I didn't think I should start depending on people already. It's okay though. I am only one person, right? At least I try hard. I may fail, but I do try.
Friday was an equally busy day. I had PT again. I got there on time and got the full 30 minutes. I walked out of there very relaxed and yet very spacey feeling. I didn't like that at all. I ended up being exceptionally tired. I have not felt well in days. I was wondering if I may have a sinus infection? My head was bobbing like crazy and that was disturbing. PT was supposed to be helpful. No guarantees, but I certainly didn't expect to be worse. Anyway, I did a few errands and headed home. I went back out to take Yamira to therapy. She loves going. I don't mind taking her at all, especially as I do feel it helps. We spent the rest of the day at home. Bill doesn't have school on Fridays. Wahoo! At 5:30 pm, Meri came to pick me up and we headed out to use our birthday Groupon that we purchased in April. It was wonderful. We each had a facial and a seaweed wrap. Now I didn't care for the seaweed wrap at all. I have always wanted to try it, but it did not do much for me. The woman who did it was wonderful and did some massaging. That was excellent. Best facial I ever had though. She was wonderful and I will go back again for another one at some point. Groupons are great for me due to being able to save some money, but on top of that, it lets me try places I may never have given a chance. Needless to say, it was a very relaxing night. It was good to be out with a friend too.
Saturday was a busy day. We had soccer at 9:00 am. Ping was excited soccer started finally. She has been talking about it for months. We then headed home so she could take a shower and we headed out to WPI for Dumplings. We love going to the Dumplings. I love watching the Chinese students unselfishly give their time to our kids. This time we discussed Chinese tea culture. It was great. The two youngest were not well behaved. In addition, I got really sick and felt like I was going to throw up. I didn't. Thank goodness. We then headed off to do a few errands and then went home for the night. We had another party to attend, but it was cancelled due to flooding from all the rain we had during the week. It was an adoption party in Oxford. Just as well. We had more than enough stuff to do.
Sunday was a waste of time. I was so angry at how I spent the day. I had not felt good all week for the most part. I was super tired every evening. I couldn't get through watching a simple show. That is not like me at all. I was also dizzy a lot and my stomach bugged me a lot as well. That isn't unusual though. If I am dizzy or nauseous, my stomach also acts very wacky. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but thought it might be due to my sinuses. I had wanted to go out apple picking and to a few fairs, but I was too tired and sick feeling to go anywhere. So what did I do? I actually took a nap at 12:00. I then got up and napped again around 3:00 pm. What a waste of a day. I didn't go anywhere I wanted to and I didn't accomplish one thing at the house. Very upsetting, but I was too sick to do anything else. The kids played all day and watched movies. That night we went to give them a bath and the tones went off, so I got stuck giving the three a bath alone. Not a big deal at all, but when you aren't feeling good, it's not fun. Oh well, it's my job.
On Monday, Bill took the kids to school and I went straight to PT. That went okay. I told her that I walked out of there feeling really spacey and was wondering if this was going to work for me. She proceeded to tell me that she didn't finish the entire procedure she did with me on Friday and because of that I might have a lot of "junk" stuck up in my head and it could be throwing me off. She could not be more accurate. I walked out of there feeling much better. Yay for getting to the bottom of that. I still didn't feel the best due to suspecting I have a sinus infection, but I no longer felt like I was bobbing as badly as I was. Once I got home, I made a doctors appointment for the next day. Decided instead of booking it with my GP, I thought I would go see my ENT doctor. She wasn't going to be available, so I was told I had to see the nurse practitioner. I was fine with that. While the kids napped, I made a few more calls. Bill went to school early. Monday is his early days. At 3:00 pm, the little ones and I piled into the car to get Ping and then we headed off to Auburn for Ping's ice skating lesson. I had a hard time watching her as the two little ones were really distracting. So I am not sure how she did. I did ask her and she said good, but she says good to almost everything. She is truly a happy girl most of the time! After we left the rink, I drove home like a bat out of hell so that I could quickly feed them dinner. They had maybe 30 minutes to eat and then we were back in the car and off to Daisies. The two little ones played while Ping did some work with an older Girl Scout and I listened to what was coming up for the year. First one of the school year, so parents attend. Bill then came in and grabbed Yamira and Manny and headed off. I forgot to mention that my computer had been acting up for a few days, so I was given the name of someone right in town to call. I called and they came and picked up the hard drive. When I got home from Daisies, the couple were here dropping off the hard drive. I was so grateful to have it home so quickly. It just needed a good cleaning. That was good news too. However, it wasn't cheap. Oh well, what can you do? So it was a crazy busy day with appointments and such, but all in all a great day!
Tuesday morning I slept in while Bill took the cherubs to school. I then got up and showered and headed off to my appointment with the nurse practitioner. I was fortunate enough to get the tool shoved into my sinuses. Truly that wasn't a big deal. I really wanted that as I wanted to know what was going on with them. I did have a sinus infection and so a prescription was written for me. The NP was very sweet. Unfortunately, something else was found. No idea what it is. We have to wait for the inflammation to go down before we can do a more thorough investigation. Looks like I have a cyst or polyp. They want to look at it more. If it grows, it can really do a number on my sinuses. They also want to make sure it's not something else in my body that is causing this. This was very upsetting to me as I feel like all I do is battle health problems now. However, there is nothing I can do about it now. I headed home after a few errands and then we all headed off to get Ping while Bill headed off to school. I took the kids to Walmart and ran into Miss Ashly. Good thing too. The NP called as promised and told me after talking to my ENT doctor, that they all agree they need to look at this new problem closer. Just made me really nervous. I got off the phone and felt faint. Here I am with two carts and three kids and I had to dash off to sit on a bench to calm myself down. I was grateful that Ashly was there so she could keep the kids talking and from jumping out of the darn cart. Between not eating all day, having the sinus infection and getting news that is disturbing, my brain just short circuited I guess and there you have it. I recovered quickly and the kids and I did our quick shop. It seemed like it was forever, but we got through it. Brought it all home, put everything away and I fed the kids. I also gave them baths as the next day was picture day. Once a book was read and they were tucked in, the night was over. I did a few things downstairs, but was too tired to do much of anything.
We got up extra early on Wednesday so that I could get the kids ready for their pictures. I made sure two nights before that I had their outfits ready and ironed. Now I just needed to get them dressed and coiffed! We dropped off the kids together and ran to Walmart quickly. We then went home as we had an appointment at the house. I then jumped in the car and called my friend Renee to see if she wanted to do a few errands before having lunch. As luck would have it, she was ready to go and was willing to go. So I ran to her house, jumped into her truck and off we went to the Burlington Coat Factory. We stopped in the Christmas Tree Shop quickly and then we had lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I had a fabulous time. We headed home so I could be in the door by 2:30 pm as Bill had to get to school. Bill left and off we went to get Ping at school. We spent the rest of the day at home. I had a bunch of things to do at my desk. Ping had school work. The kids played in the playroom. So it was a good afternoon. I spent most of it really angry. I had a great beginning of the day, but the rest of the day went bad. Bill had locked Shayla's room as Yamira has been going in there and disturbing things. Well I couldn't find the key and we needed to get in there. Bill was at school, so I couldn't reach him. On top of that, when Ping got in the car, she had an unusual smell to her. It was really awful and bothersome to me. It was perfume/lotion and I am allergic. I had Ping wash her hand three different times with three different things. Then I had the poor girl take a shower. Still didn't help. Then I had her use mechanics stuff. That helped a little, but not much. It was awful. I sent off an email to her teacher as I wasn't sure what happened. Ping did tell me that at pick up in the afternoon, a Kindergartener gave it to her. She promised never to get into something like that again. Thank god. Between being allergic and having a sinus infection, it was the last thing I needed. In addition to that there was a whole debacle over the kids photos today. Very upsetting. I called Lifetouch directly and told them what I wanted. They told me how much to pay for each kid. I nicely typed out three letters last night saying what pose I wanted, what background I wanted and what photos I wanted. What a mess. Because it wasn't a "package" the photographer did not know what to do. So two checks were sent back and one was taken. I had to call Lifetouch to talk to them about it. They were going to get to the bottom of it and call me back the next day. Just a pain in the ass! I just didn't need that on top of everything else. I was told Manny's photo wasn't taken because there was no package. So after calling and getting the package ordered and me sending in a nice typed up letter to let them know, getting up early to make sure the kids look great and then finding out this? Very angering. It was resolved the next day. It was just really upsetting.
On Thursday, I headed to PT in the morning while Bill took the kids to school. I felt great after. Clearly doing the entire procedure she is doing from belly up to my head is working. At least I hope it is. That and now I am on an antibiotic, so I feel better there. My head is clearer and I am not so tired. Unfortunately, my stomach can't handle this stuff at all. So that has been hard and the newest and most exciting thing that I have acquired now is Thrush. Yes folks, I have Thrush yet again. My tongue is burning and I can't eat. So between the belly that wants to hold nothing and my mouth that wants to eat nothing, I am really struggling here! So I used some medicine I had at home and also called in to my doctor to ask for a troche prescription. We had a meeting at the house at 9:30 am. That went well. Bill and I grabbed the kids and did a few errands. Then Bill headed off to school and I went to gather Ping. We spent the rest of the day at home. Again, I am trying to catch up on the endless assortment of stuff I have to do at home and the many calls I need to make.
Friday brought a 1/2 day for the kids. Not really for Manny and Yamira as they go to school a 1/2 day anyway. I ran a few errands in the morning and Bill picked up the kids from school. He was only getting two and I was going to get Ping a little later, but Ping was brought out and so Bill took all three of them. He then headed to CVS and Walmart. When they got home, Yamira got a very special call from a Princess because it was her birthday. She is now a proud five year old. Ping and I jumped in the car and I brought her over to her friend's house for a play date. I then ran to pick up my car. Oh how I will miss that good old POS. Funny enough, as much as it sucked, it was nice to drive around with a "beater" for a change. Something that I didn't have to worry about getting a scratch or a dent on. It had too many to count, who would have noticed one more? After getting my car, I headed to Webster to get something. I then stopped in Price Chopper and got two soups and some strawberries for myself. I approached a woman and her daughter as she looked Chinese. I quietly asked if she was adopted. The woman was very nice. I told her about how we attend the Dumplings at WPI and if she was interested, I would have her added to the list. She said she thought it would be wonderful and to please add her. She probably thought I was a nutcase. I don't approach everyone that has an Asian daughter, but it just worked out that this lady was right next to me and it was comfortable. Believe it or not, not all adoptive parents are receptive to chatting about their child. So you never know how you are going to be received. I have since sent her an email with the information that she needs if she is interested. Once out of Price Chopper, I stopped to get gas and went to CVS. I also made a few calls from the road. I am not a fan of that, but I knew the minute I got in the house, I would be accosted by the little ankle biters. They would want attention and deserved my attention. So I thought making some calls before heading home might be a good idea. Sure enough, the minute I got home, Yamira wanted to open gifts and who could blame her. So we opened gifts and they all had dinner. After dinner and bed, I sat down to try to watch a little TV. I passed out and didn't get a lot watched. I need a day where I can just catch up with some shows. I don't watch a lot, but I do have a few on the DVR.
Well it's been about two hours since I started this post, so I am going to finish up by sharing some photos. First though, today was not a bad day. We got up early and headed off to Shayla's soccer game. We then came home and put the two youngest ones down for a nap after they had lunch. We then headed to a retirement party. That was nice, but it was bitter cold out for me today. So I wasn't comfortable. On top of that, I am not sure what I ate as it wasn't much, but it made me really sick. I have a feeling it was applesauce, but I could be wrong. We took two cars to the party because I was leaving at 5:00 pm to get to my friend's house. I was so looking forward to having dinner with her and some of her friends. Unfortunately, I got really sick to the point of having terrible stomach pains and worrying I was going to throw up. So I got up and rushed to the car and rushed home. I did not even get a chance to properly say goodbye to anyone. I would have liked to leave in a better fashion, but I was just too sick to do so. I drove home hoping to god I wouldn't throw up. Once I got in, I slammed some Mylanta down my throat, called my friend Maura to tell her I couldn't get there and crawled into bed. Before I knew it, Bill was home with the kids. He put them to bed for me since I was too sick to get up. I woke up around 9:45 and really felt great. So I got up. I came downstairs to find Bill snoring on the chair. I decided to pay some bills and to catch up here. One less thing to have to do tomorrow. Tomorrow we have a few things going on, but who knows what we will get done.
Well I hope you have enjoyed this update. I hope you are enjoying the Fall weather. I love Fall, but I am not a fan of being cold. Love the leaves, the apple picking and the pumpkin selecting though.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mama Out!!!!!!!!!!
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