This is a beautiful time in my household. It's 10:00 pm at night. My kids are sleeping so soundly and Bill is in the other room watching TV. So I can just sit in my office and do what I want. Love it. I love my kids. I love when they are awake, but I have things to do too. So this is a beautiful time of the day for me.
So in review, this is how the last two weeks have gone.
Sunday the 18th was a tough day. The kids started Sunday School, so Daddy took them to church for an hour. When they got home, Yamira acted up so badly, that I had a terrible argument with her. She did something she knows she shouldn't do and I was really angry and hurt she would do that. Bill and I don't usually argue at all about the kids. We do really well on providing a united front almost every single time. However, he was upset that I was so angry at Yamira, so we had words. That is pretty rare. Shortly after, Bill left to get Uncle Joe for a beer brewery tour and I headed out with Ayi Meri to Start on the Street. We had a great time. I ended up getting a few things. It was nice out and so it was nice to walk around and look at what the vendors had to offer. Once the fair closed, we headed home for dinner. Bill was on call that evening. The day was saved by getting out for a few hours, that is for sure.
Monday brought a busy day. My friend Maura's birthday was this day, but I wasn't able to see her as she was working. I was supposed to see her Saturday, but I was too sick to go. Anyway, Bill took the kids to school and I headed off to physical therapy for my neck. I find that therapy seems to be helping. It's only 30 minutes, but it's worth it. At 9:30 am, I had an appointment in Shrewsbury, so after a quick errand to grab a paint sample, I headed to my appointment. I then rushed to get the kids as Bill leaves for school earlier on Mondays than on other days. I fed the little ones and gave them a nap and then we headed off to school to pick up Ping and to head to skating lessons for her. After a cold hour at the rink it was home and dinner for everyone. I then had to put the three in the car again and dash off to Daisies for Ping. Her first Daisy meeting for the school year was at 6:00 pm, so all parents were asked to stay. Bill came in around 6:30 pm and picked up the little two. They were in bed by the time Ping and I got home. A little bit of homework for Ping and off to bed she went.
On Tuesday, I was supposed to walk with a friend, but it was raining. Needless to say we didn't walk. It was just as well. I had plenty to do here. I made a few business calls and then headed out to do a few errands and have some blood work done. I then rushed home to pick up Yamira as she had a occupational therapy appointment in the afternoon. Unfortunately, she didn't get a nap in and she is a kid that really needs a nap. The rest of the day with the exception of picking up Ping was spent at home. I had a ton of phone calls to make here. I do not get why I have so many phone calls all the time, but I seriously do. That and I wanted to work on my "to do" list. That night though, I took the three to Bill's class for pediatric assessments. That was a disaster as they were so tired and not at all listening. However, we did it for the sake of the class needing children.
Wednesday brought another appointment. I went to see the nurse practitioner at my ob/gyn office. I had never met the NP before, but she was a sweetheart. She suggested that I have a test to see what was going on with me. So I set that up and headed off to my physical therapy appointment. I was going to go on Thursday, but cleared my schedule to attend a field trip with Ping. After pt I did a few errands and headed home. I spent the rest of the day at home with the exception of getting Ping at school. Just as well as I was out all morning long.
Thursday brought rain and with that the cancellation of Ping's field trip. We were both so disappointed. No fun trekking in the muddy fields though. At least not for me! So after getting the cancellation, I went back to bed. Bill took the kids to school and picked them up at 11:00 am. I needed the rest. I can sleep in sometimes, but I also make up for it on the other end of the day! I can't really remember what else I did that day. I want to say that I ran out to do some errands for Yamira's party before Bill went to school, but I seriously can't remember. Getting old here!
Friday was a crazy day. I got up first thing and headed out to pick up a million things for Yamira's party which was the next day. I was all over Worcester. I feel like a cab some days. Errands without the kids is so easy though, so I really can't complain. However, juggling the three kids schedule, mine and Bill's is no picnic. I was supposed to have someone come at noon to clean the furniture, but they had to cancel. Just as well, I wanted to get the entire house set up for the party and didn't need to have to worry about wet cushions. Bill took Yamira to therapy and sat with Manny while she was talking with her therapist and I had an ultrasound test. I then did a few other errands and then I picked up the special jumbo cupcakes and also got some really cute and special cupcake chocolate lollipops for each kid to take home after the party. They had a really cute label on them that said "Thanks for coming to my party, love Yamira." The party was cupcake themed, so I thought the pops were adorable!!! I then rushed home in the pouring rain, so Bill could go out. He had something to do. Can't remember what it was though. I started the intense cleaning that needed to be done and I got everything set up. Bill helped me finish up everything and then I sat down to relax for the rest of the night. Nearly everything was done for the party.
Saturday came and I actually slept in a little. Once up though, I sprung into action. I did a lot more cleaning and organizing and hiding of stuff. Can't have all this miscellaneous stuff hanging around like back packs, right? I got out all of the containers to put the snacks in. I decided to not have pizza as every single party has pizza. No offense. I have had it too, but I am done with it. So I did some chips and dips and crackers and cheese spreads. Also had stuff for the kids. Popcorn and Chex Mix and cookies. Nothing orange though. Go ahead and laugh. I love a good Dorito, but I do not appreciate orange fingers in my house. The party started at 2:00 and everyone pretty much came right at that time or shortly after. The kids played in the playroom. We then decorated cupcakes and opened gifts. I felt sick all day long. No clue why. I had 2 crackers and felt sick from then on. It was awful as I haven't been that sick in some time. I felt like I had to throw up. However, I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. To be honest, I was really disappointed with the party. Yamira had a lovely time and got some adorable gifts. However, I am not hosting another party at my home. I refuse. The cupcakes were great. The kids seemed to enjoy making them and eating them. The adults seemed to have fun. It was pure chaos. I love my friend and their children. However, maybe due to the weather being rainy, a lot of the kids were screaming, running, twirling and more. I don't even want to go into it. Mind you, my kids were not sitting with their hands in their laps. I am not saying my kids were not some of the ones driving me crazy. They so were. However, it was really hard to watch all of the kids and every time I turned around there was something else. All I can say at this point is I am done. I am done due to the expense. Maybe I will host something small elsewhere. I have hosted big, but it's time to really cut down. I love a good party. I love putting all party stuff together. I love a theme. I love the fun. I am just done for right now. The play room is for having fun, but there was food brought in there. I never allow food outside of the kitchen/dining area. The toys were thrown everywhere and the crayons were thrown everywhere. Food and drink was being wasted like crazy. I am not pointing at anyone. Like I said, my kids were there too. I just can't do it anymore. Maybe a friend or two out for lunch is the way to go? I will say that I loved having 90% of my closest friends there. That was awesome. I love a good GNI, so the women are always welcome. Just not 20 kids at one time. Before everyone left I started cleaning as we had plans that night. I cleaned for two hours after as well. I picked up and organized the play room and cleaned all the other rooms as well. My sweet buddy Anita and I then hit the store for a new jacket for me. I can't wait to wear it. While I was out at the store, Bill was at a Girl Scout sing along with the three kids. He said it was nice, but the two younger kids were disasters. Of course they were. They were exhausted and it had been a long day. Needless to say, everyone went straight to bed once they were home. Anita, Bill and I sat around and chatted. I love my Anita. So glad to spend some time with her.
I got up Sunday and was really gung ho about taking the kids to Kids Fest. However, they were not well behaved. Bill took them to Sunday School. They came back and just wouldn't listen. So as much as it hurt me because I wanted to go, I decided I was not going to waste the money or my time with going. So I went to my friend Ashly's house for a 31 party. It was nice to be out for a few hours without the three kids. Especially since the day before was a killer. I stayed a few hours and then headed home so Bill could head out to grocery shop. He left late and Ping insisted on going, so she went to bed way too late for my liking!
On Monday, I headed to pt while Bill dropped the cherubs off at school. I ran around and did a bunch of errands all over the place before heading home. I picked up Manny and Yamira and we headed off to get Ping. I had a 3:30 pm appointment, so I rushed over to Ayi Meri's house to drop the three off and then sped off down the highway for my appointment. I was meeting with the NP from the ob/gyn to go over my test results from my ultrasound on Friday. The ultrasound showed nothing, so she had me head down to the lab for some blood work. Once I got out of there, I rushed to Ayi Meri's to pick up the three and then headed home to feed them so that I could get Ping to Daisies on time. I am also the Fall Product Manager, so I wanted to be there early to catch a few parents. The little ones played, while I caught some people for signatures and then Bill walked in. I was going to give him the kids, but he was on call. So I left with the kids and after an errand, Bill went back to get the paperwork I left behind and to pick up Miss Shayla. I had already gotten the little ones into bed, so we got Ping upstairs as soon as we could and then sat and watched a little TV after checking emails and such.
Tuesday was a wacky day. The kids had a visit with their biological Dad at noon. I wasn't home in time to take them as I got stuck on an errand. So Bill took them over to visit. Originally I was going to take them and we were going to do some school clothes shopping. However, their Dad already bought them clothes, so I thought they were just going to go to the park and have lunch. So I told Bill to just sit and study in the car while they did their thing or sit in the house if they were there. It didn't work out like that. Their Dad wanted to drag them all over to have them see his sister and sister and law and so on and so forth.To say that Bill was unhappy was an understatement. It was just poor communication all around. I know their Dad wants to share them with everyone, but it wasn't what we had intended. So there is Bill driving all over two towns and he really needs to be studying. Well we will get that better hammered out for next time. Little Manny got a truck and a train set plus some clothes that were way too big and not something I would normally put him in. However, it was so sweet of their Dad to get them something. Yamira got some ponies and some clothes. Some she won't be able to wear as they were way too old for her. I have a feeling the clothes came from an ethnic section in town and that is fine with me. However, I can't have Yamira wearing some of the stuff she came home with as it's not age appropriate. Again, sweet that she got some stuff from her biological Dad. I appreciate all of his efforts. Bill rushed home and gave me the two because he had to take off for school. We had to walk out minutes later because I had to get Ping at school. We spent the rest of the night doing home work, having dinner and baths and getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Nights are really hard around here without a second set of hands and Ping sure misses not seeing Daddy all day long. It's been so hard on her. After she went to bed, I signed up as a Tastefully Simple Consultant again. Shoot me. When am I going to find time to do this? Ah, it will be fun, right? Looking forward to it.
On Wednesday, I left the house early. I had a bunch of errands to run. I went to Shrewsbury and had to be in four different places in Worcester during the day. I met my sweet friend Marghrit for lunch. We were there less than an hour because she had to grab her girls from school and I had to grab my Ping from school as well. So I ran home, grabbed the little ones, went to school and picked up Ping and then we headed to ice skating for Ping. We then headed home and had dinner, read a story and hit the pillow.
Today was yet another day like all the others. Some days just don't seem to end. Case in point, it's after midnight and I have been sitting here for hours catching up here and answering emails and doing some other things. I had a 9:30 am appointment here for the couches to be steam cleaned. They are still drying! Dying to see how they come out. After the gentleman left, I fed the kids lunch and put them in the car for two appointments. I had to drag poor Manny because Daddy had school. So off to occupational therapy we went. Yamira didn't have a good session. She was being silly and not paying attention. I on the other hand had to walk out of the main office and then I went back in and found a quiet room to hide in. There was a mother there who was waiting for her son who was in therapy and her other son would not stop crying and screaming. It was unbearable. She would say "Shhh, calm down." I was livid. It was very rude and disturbing to watch her sit there with no sense of responsibility to anyone else nearby. So I got up and told Manny we were finding somewhere else to sit. It was either do that or give her a piece of my mind. Take your kid out of the damn office. He is disruptive. So rude. This carried on for a full hour with not one break. I could not believe it!!!! I could not wait to get out of there, that is for sure. We then raced across town to Yamira's therapist's office. She had a good session there. Not sure how, but I don't think Yamira pulls any punches with her therapist who is very nice and helpful. Manny was a mess at this point. No nap and he was talking so loud, the people in Indonesia started complaining!!!!! I was spent between the two. Once we left there, we had to race to my friend Renee's house because she was sweet enough to pick up Ping from school since I was going to be a little late. I ended up being later than I though. The therapist is never late. This was the first time ever. Figures. We grabbed Shayla, ran to the bank and then home for Shayla to sit with Miss Ding to learn some Chinese. That went well, but Manny and Yamira were really, really miserable and would not leave them alone so that they could concentrate. Upsetting for sure. Her son Matthew came over as well and the three of them played, but Yamira could not stop harping on this and complaining about that. I had put her in time out a few times. It was just a really miserable afternoon. While Ding was here, I did a few things and tried to keep everyone calm. I failed at it, but I did try!!!! After Ding left, I made the kids dinner, gave them baths, cut their nails, read them a story and plopped them in their beds. I can only hope tomorrow is a better day. I need to get myself to bed. I have been staring at this computer for far too long. Now I have a few pictures to upload before I call it a night.
I hope your September has gone well and that you can ring n a new month with less things to do and more time to relax.
Mama Out!!!!!!!
The Donahues.

Silly Mommy.


The kids.

Our friends.

Sing along at Girl Scouts.
Busy, busy, busy as always. Happy Birthday to Yamira! Is she 4 or 5 now?
Outstanding post! I just discovered your blog and I will follow you to Patheos! Thanks for the share. Happy Birthday dear.
Sample Assessments
She is now five!
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