Thursday, February 28, 2008


Day Received!
Next Day! After first bath.
Breakfast today!

Yesterday at fun park. Official member of horsey club!


Leah said...

She's so beautiful! I'm so happy you got the pics working! You'll be home in 1 week, wow!!!

toni said...

oh she's got a beautiful smile and a cute pout!!! you are so rotten, i can't believe you've already gotten her in the horsey club.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness she is a beauty! I can't wait for our girls to play together!

Huge hugs to all of you!


Lesley said...

She is positively adorable and it sounds like she is acting just like a 2 year old. ;)

Stephanie said...

Jill thanks for posting pictures. She is sooooo cute! I know you can't wait to put all those adorable clothes on her.
I am very happy for you---you are a mommy after all this time, CONGRATULATIONS!

Valeri said...

She is so gorgeous!!!