I was really looking forward to the long weekend. However, Bill said that I always have a long weekend due to not having to go back to work. Excuse me? Take a week and walk in my shoes bubba! I had a few others say that this weekend as well! Whateva!
Friday I was supposed to get together with my friend Mindy and her daughter, but she had to cancel. So we stayed around the area doing some errands!
Saturday was a great day. It didn't start well, but it got better! We got up so that we could begin our cemetery planting. Well we got up later than we wanted, threw on what we were wearing yesterday and headed over there. It's 2 houses down, so it's not far. I got into the passenger seat, moved the big bottle of Wacky Watermellon Bubble Bath and off we went. We get to the cemetery and I have a wet butt! What is up with that? Somehow the bubbles fell down and I didn't know it. So I get up with a soaked but and pink liquid everywhere. A ton of it. UGH. So we got up late and I have a sudsy ass. Well how do you clean it when you have no paper towels on hand???? So I took some wipes even though I knew that was going to be a disaster and basically scooped the stuff out of the truck! So I get out a chair. Bill loves to plant. I don't. I go because it's for my family and I want to be there to supervise and keep Bill company:))) So I sit my sudsy ass down and Bill proceeds to walk with Ping down the lane over to the water well. In drives a truck. A familiar truck. It's my freaking cousin!!!!! Now I really don't talk to my family anymore from my dad's side. Once my grandpa died and my dad died, they changed into human beings that I want nothing to do with! Selfish is putting it mildly. Well there is Bill, Ping and my cousin talking. UGH. So she waves and says hi. Great, I have not showered, I have a sudsy ass and I am sitting on my wide butt doing NOTHING! Don't I look like the QUEEN OF SHIT!!!! Well Ping fell in love with her or so it looked. She wanted to help her take out all of her flowers. Mind you, not only am I not showered, but I didn't even comb Ping's hair for the first time. Not how I wanted her to meet the fam, you know? Looks like I don't take care of myself or my child!!!! Well she does some planting and Ping helps. I keep yelling for Ping to come back, but she just assumed it was okay to hang out there with the cousin!!!! Grrrrrr.
So after a short time, my cousin came down to plant at another grave. She said hello and I said hello and we chit chatted. It went well. Nothing much! We had to jump up and get going before we finished because we had a date for 2:30 and needed to shower!!!!!!
So we quickly showered and headed out for our 2:30 tea date with Sarah and Brad, our close friends!!!!! We had a fantastic time. For Mother's Day, I had wanted to do something. I love going for high tea. As does Sarah and Brad. So I asked them what their plans for Mother's Day was since they usually take out Sarah's mom, Dorothy! Well they had plans, so we decided since we had not seen each other in some time, that we would go to tea on another day!!!! The place was cute. It was a little stuffy because it was so nice outside, but the food was wonderful and the dining companions were superb! We brought Ping. I had a feeling she would do well and as far as any 3 year old can do, she did okay!!!!! She did tip over her lemonade, but that could happen to anybody!!!! I have a few pics we took in the parking lot and will include them soon!!! Sarah and Brad treated us and said "Happy Mother's Day." It was so incredibly sweet of them!!!! They are great people!
After tea we headed to a place with rattan and wicker furniture. I found a set I loved. We then headed home to do a few things, but it got dark and we had to quit the outside work.
Sunday we got up early and Bill planted at 2 more graves and I ran to CVS for him. We had a very busy day with mowing and planting and we also set up the screened tent. Bill had to run to muster practice at 4:30, so he and Ping left to go do that and I hung out and did some stuff here. I have had a terrible cold as has Ping. Needless to say, my energy level wasn't grand!!!!
Monday morning we got up very early! Bill at 6 and me at 7. We always have a parade up here for the Memorial Day Monday. The Fire Dept., and school band and VFW members, etc. all come up here and park on our lawn. They then walk over to the cemetery. There is a little 1/2 hour service. They decorate all the graves and salute the men and women to were in the service. They have been doing it for years. Hence the major work we had to do!!!!! After the service here, they walk uptown and the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, etc. join them as does some of our police, etc. So Ping and I headed up there to watch Baba walk. Let me back up a moment here though. I woke up, but Ping didn't want to. So I let her sleep a little longer. Then she started crying. Very odd for her. She wakes up happy! I found her at the top of the stairs on her belly. She wanted to be picked up. So I did. I brought her to the bed and she let me dress her. She didn't even want to help and that is very odd for her! I knew something besides her cold was going on. So I put her down on the floor gently and sure enough, she couldn't walk!!!!! Of course the worst flew through my mind!!!! She could walk a little, but was holding onto the wall. The day before she ran around for hours. So my thinking is she pulled a muscle or hurt her foot. I massaged her legs for a few and put her directly into her stroller. I told her that I would cart her tush around all day and not to worry. So we ran over to the cemetery a little wait. The minute they were allowed to break, Bill walked over to the grave as Bill always does. Everyone chooses a grave to stand and salute by, Bill has always come to my dad's where I have always stood! He was wondering were I was. Ping didn't even recognize him in his uniform with hat and glasses. The minute she did, she jumped into his arms. When the three guns went off, she cried. She was startled!!!!! Baba had to leave and get back in formation, she was so unhappy about that. I told him were were late due to Ping having walking issues, so I had her show him. Off he went. So we went uptown and saw him march again and then they always go to another cemetery and then the finish up at the town common were they decorate a few more memorials! Ping was not herself. Between the cold and the walking, she was sad and feeling icky. She managed to give our neighbors a few smile after we left the first cemetery though!!!!!
After the last cemetery, Bill came and got Ping and put her on his shoulders. She got to march with Baba for the last leg of the parade. She was happy about that!!!!! We then headed home to prepare for our friend Donna's house. Bill went out for a beer with the guys. This is standard practice! He came home shortly after. We made a new dip by Tastefully Simple, which I loved, so I will be ordering more up for myself!!!!! We then jumped in the car and headed to Donna and Brad's house!!!! By then, Ping was walking better. I am not sure if it was a pulled muscle, a charlie horse or a twisted ankle! She was a little stiff when she got out of the car, but she was doing better. That was after screaming for 15 minutes that she had to go to the bathroom. Like there is one on every freaking corner Ping! Give me a break:) So she soaked herself! One clean Pull Up coming up!
At Donna's we hung outside and chatted with Michael (their son) and Donna and Brad of course. We saw Nicole, my godchild for 12 seconds. She had things to do! Places to be! To be 14 again!!!!!! We did see her later at night though! We had burgers, dogs and chicken. It was nice to just celebrate the gorgeous weather. Man the wind was blowing though!!! Think we were all allergy ridden by the end of the day! Donna gave me the best card for my birthday and an adorable ceramic ladybug. I will be showing a picture of that too, it's so damn cute. I think I might put it on the porch. Not sure yet! We had a fantastic time hanging outside! We finally came home and I passed out on the couch around 10. Not good. I didn't sleep all night:( I should have gotten up and gone to bed as I usually do!!!!
All in all, it was a great weekend and now everyone INCLUDING ME is back to work full time!!!!! SAHM is full time you know!!!!! Bill is out tonight at the Fire Dept., so I have had Ping all day and it's 9pm now!!!!! That is full time, no? Little more than full time, no? Wanty a big raisy but Bill says it's not in the budget! Back to the lab for a little poison mixture!!!!!! Not in the budget? Let me sell some of your goods:)
Today was a great day. Hotter than hell! I took Ping over to Davis Farmland and met with Angela, Simon and Olivia. Angela and her husband adopted their two children from Columbia. Gorgeous kids!!!! Anyway, I enjoy talking with Angela and Ping enjoys the kids a lot. She has never been to Davis, so it blew her mind!!!!!! It's a wonderful place in the next town over. It cost $20 to get in and that was with Angela's discount! They have hayrides, goats, horses, Alpacas, babies to feed, etc. They also have a water park, which we didn't do. We didn't even go over there! We didn't bring bathing suits. Next time. There are a whole bunch of little houses that the kids play in, there is a gigantic sand pit with tons of tractors and there is a little watering area you can put little plastic boats in. It's just a great place to take your children. You don't go if you don't have kids. It's not allowed. Anyone with a child under 12 can get in, but without a kid, you can't! Well it poured in the afternoon, so we left there and Ping and I headed to Walmart and then came home. We have been home all night. Like I said, Bill is at the station, so I am home manning the PING! I had such a lot to post, I knew I needed the time to sit, so I have now gotten caught up. YAY!!!!!!
I will follow with pictures soon, I promise!!!!!
Mama Out!