Friday, May 23, 2008

Pre-School, Crazy Coupes and Fish Sticks!!!

On Tuesday, Miss Ping was evaluated by our school system in town for Pre-School! She was accepted!!! Yay!!!!!! So starting at the end of August, this crazy kid is going to school from 8:15-11:05 Monday through Friday. I can't wait!!!! I think it's going to be great for her. She will learn the language even more and she will be around others her age. Hopefully she will learn a lot. We are lucky we got in. It's not easy getting into their program!!!!! So I will be Pingless a few hours a day. DAMN:) God I love her, but being able to make a call without her yelling at me to get her something will be fantastic!!!!!

Tonight Baba went out to mow the grass. Ping immediately went nuts cause he went out without her. Heaven forbid! So I let her go out. She took out her brand new Fire Dept. Cozy Coupe! She loves this thing. She gets in and goes the full length of the driveway. We have a long driveway. I was in the house and could hear her going back and forth. A short time after, I hear Bill yell Ping in a harsh tone. So I run outside. Ping was fine, but the Cozy Coupe had disappeared!!!!! Guess what this sweet child did? She got to the end of the driveway, got out of the car and pushed it down the street. For those of you who know the street, you are undoubtedly laughing. For those of you who don't, we live on a huge hill. So down the hill went the car. I have no idea where it landed. Bill got it and brought it up. It could have caused an accident had it gotten to the bottom and onto the main road. He was NOT happy!!!! So of course I said "Were you not watching her? How did this happen?" I was nice about it though because I know someday, he will ask me the same questions. Actually, when it comes to some debacles in the house, he does ask me! LOL. Well our neighbor Betty came over. Walking with her hands in her pocket. I said to Bill "oh shit, here comes the parent patrol!!!!" Clearly we are failing at parents of the year!!!! She didn't say much except that she heard Bill yell at Ping and she saw the Coupe going down the street. The bugs were wild, so I was kind of jumping all over the place!!!!! Well she left and we say our other neighbor. She is a sweetie. She is 78 years old and you would think she was 60. She was walking. So she came over, grabbed Ping's hand and said, "let's go for a walk with auntie." Off they went. We live in a small neighborhood. It resembles a V. At one end is the cemetary and at the other end it's a cul-de-sac. So it was a quick walk. I went back in. I was putting some stuff away and saw that they had come back with an additional neighbor! A 20 or so year old neighbor girl. She wanted to meet Ping desperately. So we stood there chatting, swatting bugs, and watching Ping with her Cozy Coupe!!!! The neighbor offered to babysit anytime we needed her too. Thought that was sweet. She is a nice girl!!!!! When they left, Ping followed them three times for hugs and kisses. They couldn't believe it. They think she is wonderful. We do too:)

So Ping and Bill came in due to the darkness and the bugs. He threw her straight in the tubbie. At this point, she had peed through her Pull Up and had a wet butt:( She obviously wasn't going to stop playing!!!!!! After bath time, Bill cooked her fish sticks. So there is my girl eating fish sticks at 10pm at night. Dinner #2! God, I feel like an awful parent having her eat at that hour. She begged for fish sticks. 10pm at night though? That is awful!!!!! Then she has a little strawberry shortcake too! So here she is, way past her bedtime and still up because we didn't want to put her to bed right after she ate!!!!!! We are going to parent hell:(

That long list of what you are not going to do when you are a parent is a complete freaking joke. Throw it out if you have made one. I found that the first rule is broken within 15 minutes!!!! I hope we improve.

I have to say that as I was sitting with Ping and we were both eating, I just stared at her! I asked Bill if he is ever amazed that she is home with us now. He said yes. What else is he going to say? I can say with 100% certainty that this child is the best thing in the world!!!! She is beautiful inside and out. She is outgoing and sweet and crazy. I would kill for her if I had to. She is so amazing. She is so bright. I know I have said it before, but I have to say it again, I love this child with every fiber of my being and she is a gift! She tortures me, but amazes me daily!!!!! If I was ever on a deserted island and I had to take one thing/person, she would be it. We would have so much fun collecting shells and splitting coconuts!!!!! She would make the time we were there go so quickly.

Sorry hon, I love you, but she talks more:)

I have a touch of a sore throat, so that is all for now!

Mama Out!!!!

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