Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have been having some nasty computer issues. I can't access my Outlook email. I can only access my email by internet. So I can't access my folders or sent stuff, etc. Very upsetting! This is my only contact to the outside world!!!!

Anyway, I hope I will be able to get to the bottom of that soon!!!!

So Friday the 25th was my birthday. I took Ping and met some friends at the Ecotarium. It was hot out!!!!! I got a little sunburned! We walked around for awhile and then headed home as it was so crowded that day. School vacation!!!! Enough said!

On Saturday, the three of us went to Boston for an appointment with my eye doctor. I had eye surgery last year. I am still at 20/20! YAY! Then we went to a local jeweler we go to. I am having my wedding rings polished and a ring of my mom's sized to fit my finger. We then headed to China Town. We walked a few blocks and then headed home. It was cold and windy in the city. I took a look at Ping and she looked a little bluish! I felt her hands and discovered that she was a tad cold. Poor thing. I had gotten her a special drink. A coconut and black pearl drink at a local bakery. So that made her hands very cold. We also went to the market and got her a few things like dumplings and sausages! When we go back in a few weeks to get my rings, we are going to walk around a few more blocks! Bill was hankering for some Chinese food. We stopped at a place, but they didn't have a buffet and he really wanted a buffet. I did too. So we tried 2 other places. We finally settled on one as Bill was SURE they had a buffet. Um, NO!!! We were too hungry to care, so we ate there. It was good. They loved talking with Ping. She was very friendly, but not big into responding back. Thought that was odd! We had a nice time:)

Sunday we got up a little late. That was really, really stupid of us. I thought Ping was in bed. Bill didn't care if she was hanging from the ceiling as he had gone out on two calls in the middle of the night. Well the phone rang. My friend was calling to say hello. Bill wakes up to Ping talking to him at the side of the bed. He asks why she is all red. I worry she has hurt herself. Nah. She was setting herself up to be hurt though. Hurt by US!!!!! She found a Sharpie in Bill's nightstand. Um hon, not a great idea to leave there. Well she colored herself from shoulder to hand. I don't mean one arm. I mean TWO arms. I don't mean a line or two. I mean she colored herself completely. It was awful. It was so wet, everything she leaned on was stamping red. Kind of like her COMFORTER in her bedroom. In addition to finding the Sharpie, she found the expensive cream that Bill has for his feet. It was smeared all over his nightstand. Hehehe!!!! He was NOT happy. WELCOME TO MY WORLD BABA!!!!!!! I was on the phone, so I didn't really help much. Bill cleaned off the nightstand and then undressed Ping and took a tubbie with her. He got all of the red off. I was so amazed!!!! Mind you we can see her bones now. She no longer has skin!!!! KIDDING! Don't call the state!!!!!

The rest of the day went decently! We did a bunch of things around the house. Not everything I wanted to, but some stuff did actually get done!!!!!

Yesterday we got up and headed out to my foot doctors. I go frequently. It's actually very annoying to go so much. It's for my Plantar issues and heel pain. Well Bill and I noticed on Saturday that Ping was uncomfortable in her shoes. We thought the strap was too tight. Bill took them off and carried her to the car from the restaurant! She kept itching her foot. On Sunday I noticed that she was walking on the outside of her foot. We put sneakers on and it seemed better. However, yesterday she was doing it again. She was doing it with the sneakers on too. So I told the doctor and he checked it out. She has a bruised bone!!!!! What the heck? This poor kid comes home and we can't get her red cheeks to clear, she is always getting scratched by the head feline around here and now she is limping? I feel like the mother of the year award may go to someone else this year:(((( So I have to bring her back in a week when I go. She is so used to going there, she is practically a celebrity there!!!! Maybe she purposely hurt her foot. Wanted the attention and all? LOL. Anyway, this happens and the doctor said it's from shoes for the most part. Odd. Guess it's time to put away the 2 inch heels. Sorry Pingaroo!!!!!

After the doctors, we came home and she terrorized me for the afternoon. Now there is a surprise!!! I had calls to make. She decided that she would start lung practice. She always picks the most convenient times. What a darling!

Today Ping got up early and I got up late. Now mind you, late for Ping duty, not late! As in sleeping till 11. I slept till 9ish! Well Miss Ping helped herself to everything she shouldn't. She stole magnets and pictures off of the fridge. No biggie. She decided to feed the girls AGAIN! Only 5 plates this time. However, she had 5 kinds to a plate. Glad cat food is cheap, NOT! I know what you are thinking. Put it up high. She will drag a chair, step stool or a table. She will do anything to fool with us! So I am working on the "don't touch thing." It's working wonderfully. Can't you tell? I knew she had gotten into the cat food because when she greeted me this morning, she stunk so bad that I felt like I could seriously vomit!!!!! I can still smell it 15 or so hours later. It's stuck in my nostrils. In addition to those two escapades, she decided to take approx. 500 photos and scatter them all over the buffet in the dining room AND her grocery cart. They were everywhere. I have put 15 hours or so into the sorting of these pics. Thank goodness those that she played with had not been sorted. I hid the ones I had done. See, I am NOT DUMB!!!!! Shutterfly/Target royally messed up an order on me, hence the project that has literally taken me hours and hours to do. Sorting them all takes time. There are 800 pictures!!!!

That was just the beginning of the day. I decided to bundle my phone with my cable and internet service. So I had 2 men here for awhile today. Now the computer doesn't work well. I called and asked that they be sent back. They came back, but the computer is still not working. They say it's not their issue. Great, whose issue is it???? So like I said, I can't access Outlook!!!! I am so angry over it. Meanwhile Miss Ping is causing major havoc. She is truly trying to touch everything she shouldn't be because she wants my attention. So she was in tears by the time her Early Intervention specialist arrived. So I was juggling a nasty Ping, the specialist and the two phone/computer people. I just could not wait till Bill got home tonight. I place an emergency call this afternoon into my dear buddy Anita. She tried to help me, but we still can't figure out what the heck is wrong with the computer. We know it is in desperate need of an upgrade. In the meantime I just want my Outlook:( So hubby walks in and asks why the house is a mess. He is SOOOOOO LUCKYYYYYY that Anita was on the phone or I would have personally tackled him!!!! A mess? Hardly. Messy by Jill's standard, yes. HELLO, I have been here with 2 men twice today, plus the EIS, plus trying to get the computer to work, cleaning up the pictures, cleaning the cat food, doing his trash job. MESSY? Such a shame that his life is shortened by me daily. He will get what is coming to him. I will see to it!!!!

I am excited because he is going to Target for us and taking Pingarooster. Yahoo. He is bringing me back MamaJuice. The clouds are parting and things are looking up. NOT. He takes off and within minutes the scanner goes off. He has training tonight. He totally forgot. So being the great wife that I am, I call to tell him. Well he was calling me at the same time. So he said he would get my my juicy as Ping calls it and he will be back. BUMMER. So I am on Ping duty for another few hours. UGH!!!!!! I tell myself that I am pretty damn lucky that I have my girl home from China and I should shut up and be happy about it. I get out the Playdoh, plunk it at the table, get out her LOUD musical keyboard and she goes goes to town shortly after she finishes up hurling herself at Baba for leaving her for the fire dept. Here they were, off shopping without mama. She could not imagine a better scenario, I am sure. Poor babe. Poor mama. She loved making a mess with Playdoh and the damn music keyboard was so loud, Bruce Springsteen could have seen that she has no talent as of yet!!!!! I shut it off when she wasn't looking. She falls apart. She looks at the photos I am working on and falls apart. Finally I pick her up and head to the couch. I try to settle her down, but she is mad. I am NOT BABA!!!! Sorry babe. She passes out but is still crying. Bill comes in, takes her upstairs, changes her, she wakes up and they both come down for juicy. She has a smile from ear to ear. Thanks Ping, you know how to make mom feel so loved don't you my darling!!!!!

So that is pretty much it up till now. I am sure I forgot something to share. I will remember as I am drifting off to sleep!!!! I have taken some photos, so I will go post now. If you don't see them, the computer died and I will do it when it's working. Until then my friends......take care and good night!

Mama out!


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