I can't believe it's already Friday. Ping doesn't have school because it's teacher development day. Ping does however have her second H1N1 flu shot at 11:00 am. She doesn't know this. I don't need her to needlessly worry about it, so I haven't told her. I will tell her that we are going to the doctor on the way there. She will whine and complain and ask why. I am not looking forward to this. Thankfully it will be a quick appointment. In the afternoon I will take her to her Creative Dance class. So we really don't have an open day to play as we have obligations. I am planning on sleeping in a little. Not too much though because Ping still has a wonderful way of getting into the wrong stuff and making a mess.
So we have had a short week. Monday we had the day off. Tuesday Ping had school and then ice skating in the afternoon. We didn't do much around the house. I was following up on a particular file that I was helping another person with. That made for a long day tethered to the computer.
On Wednesday, we had no plans with the exception of going to school. When I picked up Ping, she asked where we were going. The minute I pick her up from school, she always asks this. I told her we were going home. She says "No errands Mama?" I told her that I had done them while she was in school. So Ping says "Mama, thank you for doing your errands without me." So sweet and funny. I told her that I try to do them without her, but sometimes I have to take her. It just depends on what needs to be done. We were home for the day. I took a short nap in the afternoon while watching TV with her. I was just zonked from the day before. Sitting at a computer and emailing like crazy just got to me. Not strenuous by any stretch of the imagination, but my eyes were tired. When Bill got home from work, he made chocolate chip cookies for Ping. As they were coming out of the oven, I said to Ping "Don't touch them, they are Mama's." So Daddy pipes in and says "No they are not, they are mine." Meanwhile Ping is telling us that they are hers. So as Bill and I kiddingly banter back and forth, Ping steps between us, puts her hands out to separate us and says "Guys, guys, guys, wait a minute, you can share the cookies." Of course we all just cracked up. She brings laughter into our lives daily.
Today I dropped her off at school and came home. I immediately popped some heavy duty Tylenol to take the edge off of my headache. It did. Not a lot, but it helped a little. At 9:00 am, I got a call that Ping was absent from school. This is an automated phone call. I called back and left a message that she was 100% there. I wasn't worried because I handed her off to the preschool teacher she had last year and they walked in hand and hand. However, when I picked up Ping, I did say that I wasn't sure what happened, but it should be checked into. If Ping was in high school, I would have been in my car driving around and getting ready to pounce!
We spent the rest of the day at home. I booked three airline tickets to visit friends. Can't wait to go. I then took a nap with an ice pack on my head. It didn't help. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow, that is all I can do.
Hope you had a wonderful week my friends.
Mama Out!!!!!
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