Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and we had plenty to do around here. Bill and I started the weekend a little early. We meet our friends Bobby Jo and Brooke at the playground for a few hours of fun before Ping had to go to dancing on Friday. On Saturday, we stayed home and caught up on laundry, some stuff I had to do at the computer and some clean up in the garage. On Sunday, we were supposed to go to Meri and Joe's, but due to us both having so much to do, we didn't go to their house for dinner. Bill worked on the garage and I worked inside. On Monday, Bill walked in the parade. We went to the cemeteries and then came home to do a few more things before heading to Meri and Joe's for 6:00 pm.
We had a great time getting together with them. It was nice to take a break. Joe cooked steak on the grill and we sat around chatting and toasting marshmallows.
I had a major migraine at Meri and Joe's house. No matter what I took, it wasn't cutting it. I sat down to watch a little TV and closed my eyes after we got home and Bill and Ping went to bed. I ended up sleeping on the chair all night. Needless to say, I slept, but I really didn't sleep. I need to be upstairs using my CPAP. However, I was too tired to move. So I sat there all night long drifting in and out and in and out. I was so cold come Tuesday morning and so tired, I went upstairs at 8:00 am and told Ping that she wasn't going to school. My head was pounding still and I just felt awful. She wanted to go, but I just couldn't do it. I skipped swimming and felt so guilty and she skipped school and I felt so bad about that as well. I did apologize to her and she told me she wasn't mad at me. I ended up sleeping till 2:00 pm. I literally had to drag myself out of bed at 2!!!!! Ping was fine. She kept visiting me in bed. I knew where she was and what she was doing. I finally got up, took a quick shower and took her to ice skating.
On Wednesday, Ping got to school and I got to swimming. The rest of the day was spent at home. One great thing happened. I got a call from DCF. They asked if we were interested in putting in our home study for a 4 and a 5 year old set of siblings. I told her that we would be thrilled to be put in front of the social worker. I spent the rest of the day doing a little cleaning around the house and also working at my desk. I have a new case for CASA, so I got started on that. I also booked a few appointments. Nothing exciting, but the stuff that just needs to get done!!!
Thursday started like an ordinary day. That was until noon. DCF called and told us they picked up to be the foster to adopt parents of the sibling group they called us about yesterday. I was so excited, but couldn't even get the details because there was a Kindergarten orientation in 15 minutes and I had to run out. Ping got to visit with the teachers, do some crafts and ride the school bus for the first time. I got to listen to a few of the teachers and specialists and watch a slide show. Once home, I called the social worker and got the scoop on the two children. They are not 4 and 5, but 2 and 3!!!! The 2 year old is a boy and the 3 year old is a girl. We are so very excited. However, my head never stopped spinning for the rest of the day. There is so much to do before they come. I had to call and email and Facebook everyone. The phone was ringing off the hook. I hardly found time to have lunch, but at 4:00 pm, I was starving. When I finally turned in to bed, I couldn't shut my brain off. I was up till at least 2:00 am. My head was swirling with things that I need for the little ones!!!!!
Today was a better day. I was still wired, but a little calmer. I got up at 7:00 am and showered. I took Ping to school and came home. I didn't get to go to swimming today because Ping had a Kindergarten social from 9:30-10:30 am. She had a great time and it was nice to talk with some of the other parents. A really welcoming group. Hard to believe that we may all know each other for the next 12 years of our children's lives!!! Once that was over, I took her back to class and sat on the bench at school waiting for her. Once we left there, I stopped to talk to a few of our awesome neighbors and then came home. We stayed home until I had to take Ping to dancing. Ping worked on her princess puzzle while I made a gazillion phone calls regarding the children that will be joining us. After dancing, Ping and Daddy went for a walk. Now I am here catching up and those two are fast asleep in bed. My eyes are burning. I am just so tired!!!!! I am going to sit for a little while and watch TV. First I must upload some pictures.
I hope you have had a great week and stay tuned for more detail about the kids this coming week!!!!!
Mama Out!!!!!
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