Monday, March 17, 2008

A few more!

Miss Karen, I love my new dress. I am so glad I was able to model it for you when you came over to bring me my hat and flip flops and tea set and quilted backpack. Next time I put it on, I will try to lose the pink non-matching outfit underneath, okay?
Someone who should remain nameless (PING) stole Mama's heart shaped feather wreath and decided to DIVA POSE. Nice hairdo!
Auntie Shannon, I love my outfit, but I don't look like I do because they were getting reading to stick me with needles!!!!!
I love to feed my new friend Elise while her big sister Ava looks on. These are my awesome new buddies. They brought me gifts, so I figured I would help feed the little bugger. Now I have a nice new pink dress, new jeans, new socks and a new cool shirt to wear.
Auntie Tara, my new outfit is glorious. Do you seeeeee my strawberries?

1 comment:

Christina said...

She's so lovely, Jill!