Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Last Day of POO!

It's been a busy day. I told Bill I needed a very small nap around 6pm, since I had a ton of stuff to do tonight. So I close my eyes while telling him that if Ping has to go to the bathroom, he needs to put the thing in the toilet to catch the poo!

Well within 30 minutes, she went. He called out and told me that I had to do the poo sample. Um, thanks. Well I didn't have any more sticks to use from the doctors office. So what does Bill get me???? A piece of wood trim! A large piece. That is how I scooped it into the little vials. I am so done with this whole poo problem!

I heard from Phong tonight. I spoke to him and his wife. They just got home from China as they have family there, so they decided to stay an extra week. It was soooooo good to talk to them. I miss seeing them and their beautiful little girl. I was so happy to hear how they were doing.

I miss China. There, I said it!

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