Monday, March 17, 2008


Interpret the title any way you want. There are pita pockets and there are princesses in the area. Then there is my interpretation.

Went to the bank and then pulled into Dunkin Donuts this morning. Before I even got to the speaker, Miss Ping said "mama juice, mama juice." It was so cute. Then we came home and fed the cats. Ping took a small amount and walked towards Neesha with it. She was trying to feed her. It was adorable and endearing. Then Ping's twin showed up. Yeah, that one. Not liking this chick much!!!!!

She didn't get a lot of sleep, so maybe that is why she is being so beastly. She is giving me major attitude today. I even told her that mama was not a happy camper with her today. She is swinging at me and whining. Can I put her to bed now? I mean it's 1:30, clearly she has been up long enough!!!!!!!!!!

My wonderful hubby just called to check on his girls. He reminded me she was nearly 3. So easy to say when you are not in the house. Grrrrr! LOL.

If I hear "Tonka fire department on the scene" one more time, I am going to stick this fire truck that she was so sweetly given yesterday, on the curb.

Brandy is illegal. Beatings are as well. What is a parent to do???? JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!

I wanted to be a parent. I still do. It's really not that bad. Got to run, the Tonka fire dept. is on the scene and I want to assure them everything is fine:)

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