We had a birthday party to go to today for Annya who turned 3. I met Kayt, Annya and Connor at a church play date. Annya and Connor are both adopted from Russia. Kayt and her husband are from Ireland. Kayt is wonderful and always makes sure we are included in various things. We had an awesome time. They had a puppet show for the kids and it was fabulous. I am not a "puppet" person, but this guy was truly fantastic! After the puppet show, we had some lunch and cake and just hung out with everyone.
After the party, I called Sarah to see how she was doing. She is doing as well as can be expected. I believe that losing a parent is one of the most painful things someone can experience. You sometimes just don't know how deeply you love someone or depend on someone until they are gone. I still have questions that I want to ask my Mother and Father. Sarah says that the same thing is happening to her. She wants to ask her Mom where she stashed a book she was reading. It's so odd not to be able to make a call or go in the other room and ask. There should be a white phone that goes directly to heaven, so we are not stuck for answers.
I guess I should upload a few photos and make my way to bed.
Mama Out!!!!
Some outside shots of Ping.
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